Reviews for Why Don't We Just Dance
narnian23 chapter 1 . 8/25/2014
That was cute! I would imagine that Nine, being my favorite, doesn't like country music much since I don't favor it either, but since I very determinedly read this as Nine/Rose I've decided it is very Doctor for him to forget all about the style of music when he had Rose in his arms.
crzykittyfangirl chapter 1 . 8/21/2014
yay! ten/rose forever! do htey have a ship name? i don't think they do, so i made one up for them. Ren. so yay Ren!
TiaKisu chapter 1 . 6/18/2014
Aw, that scene is a lovely one.

I think my favourite line in this would be "It struck him that she had to be the most oblivious creature in the universe if she couldn't tell how smitten he was with her." That is so cute somehow and at the same time so very true.

Thanks for sharing this little piece. It really is a sweet fiction.
Blue Stone Shining Wolf chapter 1 . 6/17/2014
This is a very sweet scene. I always figured they danced again later. I think you captured what he was thinking in The Doctor Dances well too.

Lovely ending as well.