Reviews for The Best Kevedd Fanfic EVAR!
HijadeCain chapter 1 . 4/26/2017
WhoAteThePotatoSalad chapter 1 . 11/3/2015
This story had zero chill. i lost it at plank.
CandlelessFlame chapter 1 . 9/22/2015
Oh. This is just one gigantic F U. TOTALLY didn't expect that btw XD
unknown chapter 1 . 7/30/2015
This is a complete train wreck...HAHAHAHA I FUCKING LOVE IT!
Luciu Splendente chapter 1 . 7/20/2015
This was great, and it's simultaneously sad and amazing how accurately you've lampooned some of the common tropes in KevEdd fics. Kevin being reduced to a cliched "bad-but-good-boy-jock-seme" who's AMAZING in bed in spite of his very young age, Double D morphing into an uke Gary Stu, the inane squee mid-story A/Ns, Marie being nothing but a rapist, Nazz, Jonny, Rolf and Ed practically having no role and might as well be air, Eddy being a homophobic dick, the babies ever after ending, and of course, the pointless smut taking up a lot of the fic after the author got "that pesky plot shit" outta the way for FAPPY TIMES.

The only thing your fic needs is Nat Goldberg to come out and be a completely useless addition to the story.

"Worse, he was stripped down naked to his underwear, except for his hat. What kind of sick, stupid pervert that wasn't Kevin had done this to him?!"

That's my favourite line, and it perfectly encapsulates the illogical, fucked-up mentality of most KevEdd shippers. Bullying is bad, unless Kevin or R!Edd does it 'cause it's HAWT. Sexual abuse is bad, unless Kevin or R!Edd does it because that's kinda KINKY N SHIT SEXY DESU. Does it matter that some of these KevEdd fan-work authors explicitly mention that it's not intended to be fetishised (and who knows if they're just saying that to cover their asses or they actually mean it)? NU-UH.

Plank is my favourite character in this fic, I must say. I lost it at him saying "faggots", and learning that he got burned at the stake was both tragic and hilarious. Why do all the good ones have to die?

Thanks for the laughs!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/26/2015
Omg I was laughing my heart out ahahahahah omg I didn'tr laugh so much all day thanks :333 I love plank saying 'faggots'I was crying of laughter omg do more of these hahahagahha love you 33333
Guest chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
That was so fucking funny thank you I like kevedd but your right so much of it is super cliched and over dramatized it kinda sucks when your trying to find other pairings too,good job
Ilovecandy100 chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
This was hilarious XD
Soaring Keys chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
Alright, thats all good n all, sure. I mean who doesn't have their NOTP. Thats cool, sure. But, dude, really all you need to do is click on the without boxes. Its really simple and you don't need to rage out like this.

Not a flammer, by any means. Honestly i clicked because your summary was so ridiculous i just had to read what this chick wrote. I was pulling out my hair by the end of it, so it was a great relief to find out that this was crack and not real. Seriously, man, finding goodmKevEdd is difficult since writers tend to overdramatisize.

Anyways, my point is, is that instead of reacting against a ship like this, just ignore it and focus on your own ships or give it a chance. Works wonders for me since i have my share of NOTP
Guest chapter 1 . 12/5/2014
Hate to say it... even though the point was making fun of this ship..I enjoyed it tremendously. I love Kevedd so this fic didn't do much to change that. In fact, it's now on my bookmarks. Good try, I wish your point could have gotten across better :P
random chapter 1 . 10/14/2014
Ummmmmmm ok? ,:o
Missdellusion chapter 1 . 9/15/2014
Omigods... the fuck I just read?
Lol no but seriously this was weird as fuck and I loved it. We can't have things be roses and rainbows all the darn time ...
I think the best part was the different "cum"
Oh Ann's the unicorn...and the burning of plank...and Jimmy shipping the two boys...
This was hilarious if a touch odd
Impure Fudanshi chapter 1 . 8/23/2014
This made me laugh, HARD. I'm a KevEdd shipper, but I can relate a little. I'm not one of those rabid fan-girls though(because I'm a boy, and I'm not rabid, I swear). I just ship what I think is cute and as they say, 'Once you hop onto a ship, you'll sail it forever'. I think they say that... Anyway, I also check things I hate(which isn't a lot), but I'm too 'weak' to diss them. This was very funny. I'm bookmarking it! Great job on making me laugh tonight!
SmokyGay chapter 1 . 7/9/2014
I'm a KeveDD shipper and I honestly found this to be hilarious. I read the entire thing in a sassy valley girl voice, having to take a few breaks to contain my giggles. I really loved this, and I'm going to send the link to my best friend who is also a KeveDD shipper. I'm sure she'll find it as humorous as I did.
Scarlet Raindrop chapter 1 . 7/2/2014
Omfg! This is the funniest thing I have read! I'm crying cause it's that funny! I'm a yaoi fangirl but this is totally hilarious! You are freaking awesome gift this! I love you... Lol!

Hugs and Kisses
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