Reviews for Darkness Around Us
Lady Razeli chapter 10 . 9/21/2017
So the premise was good, it just left me wanting more I guess overall. At times it felt like a really unclear read, like I couldn't quite picture it and so everything felt a little jumpy. Also I kept hoping that you would have done your research on North Korea and it would seem more realistic. So I know Leo was supposed to represent the King which is fine, but I got the feeling he himself was not Korean. So all of that aside foreigners can't just walk into North Korea on pain of death or imprisonment. You need special permission and it's more likely that Cora would have been dealing with the government in order to procure oil. So if they had been imprisoned they would have gone to one of the many concentratio n camps. But let's say Leo is Korean and has the place to hold them personally prisoner near non existent deserts. The sand dunes are near the coast so not really sure that's a good place to hide two women prisoners who scream frequently. But than again given North Korea, no one probably cares, there's a lot of other stuff to worry about.

My other thing was their rescue, how did the agents get in? Again they couldn't just show up in army clothes to North Korea, this is a highly surveillanced country. So they would have to go in disguised and you can't just wander off as foreigner in North Korea. And if you did, you'll likely be hunted as they have are listening to you, and they have people that watch you. Which brings me back to how Graham and Emma end up facing off with Leo on some boat anyway.

Also little things Regina's clothing would be horrid at this point no matter how expensive, especially if a bath is just being hosed down, and there was no indication of where and when they were allowed out of their cells for the bathroom, which leaves me thinking they were sitting in their own filth until the once a month cleaning.

Regina being tan after a year imprisoned in a dark room. So I'm not saying she can't have naturally darker skin about the shade of a tan. What I'm getting at is later she gets a really bad sunburn before Emma... So genetically it's quite likely that if she has enough Melanin to remain the same color with minimal sun exposure than she would darken first and then get sun burned. this would take a bit of time. Emma was more likely to get sun burned first and quickly as she's much paler. Now I found it hard to judge time unless it was specifically stated so maybe they were out there longer than I thought.

And my other big thing was their return to the states. So Emma is pretty wounded and Regina is unconscious. You've made it a point to state they need immediate medical attention. Problem is they go back to the East Coast of the U.S. and neither of them have really been treated. That is over a day of travel which means Regina's likely dead and Emma's bled out. It would have been more realistic to say that they escaped and took a plane or something either into China where their privacy could be assured or better yet into South Korea, where the American Army is stationed which means a higher level safety and care for all. Just in terms of care before they transported them back to the states. So Emma shouldn't have lost her leg from a bad infection.

However you mentioned Emma having a dull knife dug into her skin through to the bone several weeks prior, and a broken wrist. It was more likely in the bad conditions that, that wound would be infected. Except you never brought it up again just the broken wrist. As I said some things were confusing so perhaps I missed where it was.

I mean otherwise like I said I liked the premise, I was just looking for more as there were a lot of gaps for me knowledge wise.
MiDushiNoSushi chapter 10 . 2/1/2016
That was intense and dramatic. It was sad, but so hopeful by the end. I'm happy they were able to work through their traumas together.
Guest chapter 10 . 1/10/2016
WHY IS THIS OVER I NEED MORE, Holy frick that was awesome.
Pinkpillow19 chapter 10 . 1/8/2016
Good story
gamilton chapter 10 . 1/6/2016
There, that wasn't so hard, was it? You gave me my happy ending so I don't have to hunt you down. Good story...grim but well written and definitely not a happy one but still very well done! Congrats on graduating and even more so on finally finishing this tale!
gamilton chapter 9 . 1/6/2016 far so more chapter for you to screw this up...
gamilton chapter 8 . 1/6/2016
Those two yellow lights had better not be a jaguar or cheetah or some other animal!
This tale had damned sure better end right or I'm coming after you and you have no idea what I am capable of...
gamilton chapter 7 . 1/6/2016
No...actually I deeply HATE cliffhangers only slightly more than the people who write them and then think they're funny...luckily for you, this tale is already finished when I a, reading it.
gamilton chapter 6 . 1/6/2016
So Emma's brain finally kicked in and she remembered Cora and Regina Mills' case file. This would not make her feel any better, but at least we know that greedy bitch Cora pretty much got what she deserved and that Regina has been in NK prisons for ~14 months. Again, it is the family that gets the brunt of the 'news' of a loved one's death.
gamilton chapter 5 . 1/6/2016
It's good that Regina has company after being a sex slave for over a year! Emma tries so hard to cheer her up as much as possible. If some one had to die, I do hope it was Cora whose greed got her and Regina captured/killed in North Korea.
Pretty damned grim story although interesting.
gamilton chapter 4 . 1/6/2016
It's always hard on the parents who feel helpless and angry but it is no bed of roses for the poor schmuck who has to tell them, either. Not good to be on either side of the game.
gamilton chapter 3 . 1/6/2016
Yuck! What a bunch of sexist pigs! Poor Regina! If she has been a captive for 6 months, she has guts and stamina and more courage than anyone I know!
gamilton chapter 2 . 1/6/2016
Well, at least Cora is the same bitch as usual...most of us wouldn't choose North Korea over Hawaii...ever!
gamilton chapter 1 . 1/6/2016
A truly exciting, depressing, interesting beginning! Definitely different from the 'norm' and I'm looking forward to reading more.
LOCISVU chapter 10 . 1/6/2016
She's alive!
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