Reviews for RtR: Episode four: Stay Inside the Lines
mfkngst chapter 1 . 4/12/2005
Okay this is my favorite so far. I always enjoy stories were Buffy is both the evil bitch in a faith and Xander relationship, and where she finally comes around. And with your wicked idea to have that demon I got to have both Buffy’s rolled up into one tiny, slayer package. Loved all of her reactions to the F/X relationship, and I love how you are developing that. I also love that we keep getting to see Hannah, and hear about Rachael. Can’t wait to read the next episode.
Chasmodai chapter 1 . 11/4/2002
this story rocks. the characterization and dialogue is spot on and humor is mixed well with action and the angsty bits. keep working on this series, can't wait for more!
Calen chapter 1 . 11/4/2002
Cool ep. As I said, you have Faith and Xander in

character really well. Keeping Xander true to his

character and not powering him up any. Nice.
RobC chapter 1 . 11/3/2002
I really like this series! Even if you do make Xander a bit too wimpy. ;)
