Reviews for Just Listen
Guest chapter 1 . 12/28/2018
Of course you should write a second chapter! I actually don't care about Sasuke and Naruto ending up together. The second chapter doesn't need to have Naruto in it at all, as far as I'm concerned. The romance wasn't actually what interested me most about the fic. What I really care about is finding out what happens to Sasuke. He's so troubled and I just want to know if he'll be OK. Is there any possibility that he could turn his life around, or will he end up in the gutter after this? He was just abandoned, in a sense, by another adult in his life. At this point, who does he have left as emotional support? Itachi is dead, Mikoto seems to be a weak figure, Fugaku doesn't understand, Naruto doesn't want to see him again, and the only so-called friends Sasuke has are other screw-ups like Suigetsu. Sasuke has so much anger but nowhere to channel it to. What will become of him?

As for Naruto, it was sort of an interesting guessing game to figure out what his angle was throughout this fic. I can understand why he would have offered to help Sasuke in the beginning, he was just doing it out of the goodness of his heart and it was only supposed to be a few sessions. But then he continued giving Sasuke FREE sessions for MONTHS, and they even switched to DAILY sessions after Sasuke's second arrest. That's crazy. If we calculate how much of his professional time Naruto was giving to Sasuke, time he could have been giving to other, paying customers, that's a lot of wasted income on Naruto's part, and all for someone who is, in Naruto's words, "just some kid" he's counseling. So the question is, why would Naruto waste so much time on Sasuke when he wasn't getting anything out of it?

The romantic answer is that Naruto had started to feel something for Sasuke, too and he wanted to see him just as much as Sasuke wanted to see Naruto. However, I suspect that there may have been an ego thing involved, like Naruto thinks he can help any kid, so his anger and frustration at the end were just as much at Sasuke as himself for failing to help a patient. It's totally in-character for Naruto to have the attitude that "I'm the best and can talk-no-jutsu anyone." When he failed with Sasuke, it must have been a terrible blow for him.

I think there were just as many hints that Naruto was interested in Sasuke as there were that he wasn't. For example, when they meet Gaara, Naruto introduces him as someone he's known for a long time while Gaara is the one who clarifies that they're dating. Why couldn't Naruto say it? Was it awkward to tell a person he's attracted to that he has a boyfriend, or was he just trying to keep some of his personal life private and maintain a little professional distance? Also, I don't care what Naruto says, but him reaching over to wipe off Sasuke's lip was completely inappropriate because it's an intimate gesture. No wonder Sakura thought they were dating. And clearly Fugaku thought the kiss was mutual.

On the other hand, just because Naruto finds Sasuke attractive, or at least was aroused by him when Sasuke tried to kiss him, it doesn't mean that Naruto actually wants him. A moment of madness doesn't mean romantic feelings. As Naruto pointed out, Sasuke is a teenager and they have a professional relationship they shouldn't cross. (I noticed Gaara wasn't one of the reasons Naruto gave when he was explaining why they can't be together...) I think Naruto was being honest about everything he said, so it's very possible he was telling the truth when he said he'd refused to think about Sasuke in that way. I also felt like their last meeting together wasn't friendly at all. Naruto was angry with Sasuke and looked at him with disgust when he accused Sasuke of pushing everyone away. And finally, Naruto only seemed angry when he told Sasuke to go and not come back. He wasn't sad, regretful, or disappointed, just fed up. If Naruto cared about Sasuke as something more than a kid he was counseling, wouldn't he have felt just a little bit of disappointment, like Sasuke said?

I think Naruto being sort of borderline about his feelings is why I didn't care about the romance too much. The only reason why I'd want them to get together is because I'd want Sasuke to get what he wants, not because I really feel like these two are made for each other. Based on Naruto's reactions, maybe they are and maybe they aren't. In a lot of ways, I think it's maybe for the best if they DON'T get together. What good would it do for Sasuke? Being with Naruto doesn't suddenly make his life better, he'd still be just as messed up as he is now, just with a much-older boyfriend. I think he fell for Naruto in part because he was that missing male role model that Sasuke desperately needed after Itachi died. If that's the case, it's better for them to stay platonic because Naruto can do more for Sasuke as a role model than a boyfriend. Also, what good would it do for Naruto? Sasuke is out of control, so their entire relationship would always consist of Naruto talking Sasuke down from the ledge. You can't have a romantic relationship like that because it's draining. Sasuke needs to be able to stand on his own two feet before he can pursue something with Naruto or anyone else. That's why I ultimately care the most about what happens to Sasuke. How will his character finish developing? Will he find a way to let got of his anger, or will it drag him down?
FrayWrites chapter 1 . 12/21/2017
you really should continue this
Guest chapter 1 . 12/21/2017
Please do another chapter _
Guest chapter 1 . 9/13/2016
PLEASE CONTINUE ‼︎ you can't leave it just there besides i'm a sucker for NS stories with age gaps
Teme of the year chapter 1 . 8/28/2016
HOLY SHIT! This is so amazing! I will track you down and force you to finish this if I have to! This is so good and amazing! I know it's been years since you updated this story, but pretty, pretty, pretty please?! It's so good and I just love this story! I hope you continue this awesome fic!
ATouchofWinter chapter 1 . 6/17/2016
I love this exactly the way it is. The open ending makes me feel like Sasuke either gets worse after this & ends up dead or in prison, or maybe hopefully he straightens out a little & gets a job. I think if you ever write more, it think it could be something along the lines of the latter scenario, maybe set a few years in the future when Sasuke's not so young and still living with his parents. I really liked how innocent Sasuke was here though, all the blushing. Good job! :)
Hangelove chapter 1 . 4/29/2016
Next chapter please. But it'll be sad to see Gaara ending alone.
Krysina chapter 1 . 2/26/2016
Oh my god, yes, another chapter would be great. Because you can't just leave it like that. This is such a great story, it really leaves you wanting more and more. I love how you wrote Sasuke, you did a great job.
I'll definitely be looking forward for another chapter.
The Unapologetic chapter 1 . 9/2/2015
I would love if you finished this
don't know chapter 1 . 8/11/2015
okay, you definitely need to write a second chapter! You can't let it end like this :)
EnjoyMyHate chapter 1 . 7/6/2015
Yes, I could really use a second chapter~
notapieceofcake chapter 1 . 6/3/2015
Annnnnd. I could totally relate to Sasuke about his relationship with his dad (him only talking to him to order or chide him).
Oohh! What an unexpected turn! Gaara was the boyfriend in this huh cooool~
Buy seriously poor Sasuke! If I were him though i would never have confronted Naruto: I'd be too embarrassed to lol And Sasuke is BOLD the lil bby KISSED HIM.
Fugaku catching the 2nd kiss was chaotic omfg poor Naruto was misunderstood! Second chapter is a /must/ lol
Lovely fic!
Betti24 chapter 1 . 5/31/2015
Mooore please! xD
JustAAvidReader chapter 1 . 4/22/2015
Hi. Please continue this. The tension you built! So not fair.

But it's really good. And I would love to read more.

I think the way you depicted sasuke as a troubled child was really good, and he being a teenager does make things a lot more dramatic than they should. And this fugaku is so nerve racking, even though you can actually see where he's coming from trying to get his son to act all proper and stuff, but the power riding over his head messes all up, and make him a hateble person. I like this counselor naruto, but I would like more to see his pov as well...
Dragon77 chapter 1 . 12/8/2014
I see you have not update in a while and I hope that you have not given up on it because “Just Listen” is way too good to be left in the dust. I can’t wait to read the next chapter so please keep on writing and UPDATE SOON.
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