Reviews for A Champion's Choice
AngelGlass chapter 16 . 7/4
I thought this was lovely. I can tell you’ve put a lot of work and this was a sweet story, made me smile especially during hard times like this crazy pandemic :) I’ve read some reviews, just remember that you are writing fanfiction and not getting paid to do this and the best way to get better is to keep writing. I will check out more stories from you. Lots of love!
John chapter 4 . 1/12
This is a very different story and interesting.


Your VERY BAD grammar is simply too much to put up with.

You should withdraw this until you find a beta.
Rune Tobor chapter 16 . 1/10/2019

Let us hope triplets are not next!

Sometimes one at a time is best.

Thanks for writing!
GeorgeTobor chapter 16 . 4/5/2018
Well Done!

Congratulations and thank you.
GeorgeTobor chapter 13 . 4/5/2018
So Jareth can be unexpectedly contrary too!
Nice plot twist!
GeorgeTobor chapter 11 . 4/5/2018
Sarah is decended from the spirit of the Labyrinth!


I have read stories where she is Titania's great grand daughter, where magic gives her kingdom of her own, where she becomes Mistress of the Labyrinth.

Great idea.

GeorgeTobor chapter 8 . 4/5/2018
The Labyrinth is a great movie.
But it has a very limited cast of characters.
The worm, Hoggle, and the rest are wonderful but the only real pairing is Jareth and Sarah.
Some crossovers address this, I know of one where Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer ends up being Queen.

You have done a great job of adding more Fae to your story.
But it still seems to be a JS fic, not that I really mind.

Many people are bi-sexual to some degree.
I think most are 90% straight, maybe a bit more, for various reasons.
But some are 70% or so and just need to find someone to experiment with.

Sarah is presented as a teenager, if she can find a non human attractive she might find other girls attractive as well.

This really opens up the possible crossover pairings, Sarah Williams and Ginny Weasley anyone? It has never been written. You can make history!
GeorgeTobor chapter 4 . 4/5/2018
You got rid of the bog!
I think the only change it needed was the eternal bit.
Stinking for a decade, century, or millennium isn't a bad punishment, especially if no one else can smell it!
GeorgeTobor chapter 2 . 4/5/2018
Sarah's birth mother died in a car crash?
You had her father and step mother die in another crash?!

You lose a point for being repetitive.

Falling down the stairs
Food poisoning
Drinking herself to death
Murdered for her purse
There are so many ways to get rid of a character...
GeorgeTobor chapter 1 . 4/5/2018
You get points for the spirit of the Labyrinth.

While I generally don't like character death, except for the ones like Severus Snape, your method of forcing Sarah back Underground is unusual.
hearagain chapter 16 . 8/4/2016
Very sweet story. Thanks for sharing.
StarWarsSkyrim51 chapter 16 . 7/8/2016
Loved it.
kittymoon14 chapter 16 . 5/7/2016
I loved this! I was laughing and crying at the same time! Keep up the great writing!
CharlieBoneFan chapter 16 . 4/27/2016
Good story!
witchprincess33 chapter 16 . 2/10/2016
Oh my lord I love it! I've been searching for a story where they have kids! You captured everything BEAUTIFULLY! I haven't found a better one yet.
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