Reviews for High Tides
Darkzuryan chapter 15 . 2/18/2015
I can not believe it's over (TToTT) 9
I liked the end, I wish to read another lemon of them, but hey, it was good as well.
I hope you will be encouraged to do what you said, I want a oneshot from them in the future. Meanwhile I will continue supporting you in another story.
Guest chapter 14 . 1/23/2015
Looking forward to the last chapter :-)
DaniHime86 chapter 14 . 12/19/2014
I'm sad he isn't going to be with her right away, but his reasons are valid. Poor Gou and Makoto. They'll be all lonely. But I wonder if he'll be able to handle her visits know he can't be with her again, until his little siblings are older? Maybe he could take that first batch of Niitori human potion to be temp human sometimes. IDK. But either way I can't wait for the next chapter. I'm super curios to see how they handle this. And Makoto left a HUGE window open for Sosuke if he ever wants to swoop in a try and steal his girl... just saying. ;)
SapphireNova24 chapter 13 . 10/17/2014
What will you chose Makoto?! I need to know! Also, I loved this chapter and well... Sousuke, your father got karma.
DaniHime86 chapter 13 . 10/16/2014
OMG, SUCH A GOOD CHAPTER! Wow. SO beyond good. I really hope he ends up choosing his heart and stays with Gou. I'm thinking that that 'little' (aka HUGE) scare put things into prospective for him. Silly Makoto. Be with the girl that you love. YOU MATED WITH HER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! THAT IS A BIG DEAL MAKO-CHAN! I was so excited to see this update, but now I'm sad bc I have to wait for another one. *sobs* I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS! *cries in corner.*
Darkzuryan chapter 12 . 10/4/2014
i hate you Dr. Yamazaki!
DaniHime86 chapter 12 . 10/2/2014
So good. I love how everyone thinks Gou now smells like Makoto. That was hilarious. Can't wait to read more. Things are getting serious... Seriously GOOD! Haha. More please. Now would be good. ;D
xosunshinegirlxo chapter 12 . 10/2/2014
Loving this story! There aren't many MakoGou fics, which is a crime, so this definitely needs to continue :) Your interpretation of the characters is spot on. I wouldn't complain if there were more smutty chapters with MakoGou in the future either. *wink wink* Lol can't wait to read more!
DaniHime86 chapter 11 . 9/12/2014
OMG! Right?! That episode was seriously one of the most depressing EVER! I'd already been having an off day and that did help at all... But THIS DID! YAY! I swear, I was so excited to check my email and see this update. I couldn't wait to read it. Made my day. It was so adorably cute I can't even handle the cuteness of it. And I love how Sosuke is trying SO hard not to like Gou too because she's so cute with Makoto. That was totally perfect. I sorta feel bad for the poor guy. Speaking for myself, I really don't know who I'd be in love with more. Haru, Makoto or Sosuke. I love them all... but I digress... Wonderful chapter. I can't wait to read more. Poor Makoto. I can't believe how gross Sosuke's dad is being. WHO DOES THAT?! I mean seriously. I really don't know how this is all going to turn out now. You totally got me with that plot twist. Not gonna lie. Please update soon. I wanna know that they all can be human and safe if they wish. And that Ren and Ran are safe.
SapphireNova24 chapter 11 . 9/11/2014
Holy shit I need to know what happens next because it's getting good!
Darkzuryan chapter 10 . 9/5/2014
oh my good *-*
Darkzuryan chapter 9 . 8/27/2014
OMG *-* this is fucking awesome
Poor Makoto, he gonna die.
Sousuke is jealous? He is in love with Gou?
DaniHime86 chapter 9 . 8/25/2014
Ooh... Sousuke's jealous! I love it. This story just keeps getting better and better. I swear. Last chapter was 'steamed' to lemony perfection and this on was just adorable. I love how pissed Sousuke is getting. I always saw him as a love rival for Gou's affection. That was just perfect. More again soon please. :)
luxyray chapter 9 . 8/25/2014
The ending of this chapter was great! Nagisa obviously doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut! I love overprotective Rin as well. Looking forward to the next chapter when you get time :)
Darkzuryan chapter 8 . 8/14/2014
*O* i can't speak... i need more.
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