Reviews for Turquoise is the New Black
Firegirl6 chapter 1 . 8/5/2017
Why did Cas' Mom go from Rachel to Rebecca halfway through the story? Or am I just confusing two different people?
AliceCullen3 chapter 21 . 9/14/2016
Myxes chapter 21 . 3/10/2016
I want more! It's absolutely amazing!
wolfeinwonderland chapter 10 . 9/19/2015
*Happy sobbing and blubbering* aww they're soo cute... I absolutely am in love with this story.
QuillsAndInk221 chapter 21 . 6/21/2015
Truly, one of the very best destiel fics I have read. Sweet and fluffy and all around well written. The whole idea with the gods could have gone disastrously, but you did a masterful job with it. Well done! My your ink never run dry and may words fill your hear with joy.
Cheers and all my best,
ShriQuinn chapter 21 . 6/13/2015
That was fun! _ Hope to read another of your stories! :D I'm also on tumblr. Just put my username in lower case there and you will find me. :D H
HallowsEve chapter 21 . 6/12/2015
Excellent story. I loved the concept and the characters and how the story flowed. It was a very entertaining read. My only disappointment (and it's one for a huge chunk of Destiel stories) was how lopsided the relationship was. I understand it was hard on both of them, but I feel like Dean was always the one having to be comforting and supporting Cas, even after Cas made crappy comments. I would have liked to see more effort on Cas' part to equalize the relationship a bit more. It seemed like Dean put in a lot more than he got. Like I said, it's my complaint for a lot of Destiel stories, but maybe that's just me.

I did enjoy your story though and it was a nice change that there were no evil family members. Great job! :-)
Wayweaver chapter 20 . 6/9/2015
;-; I love this chapter so much imma cry
guitardee chapter 17 . 6/9/2015
Hi. I had to force myself to stop long enough to let you know how much I am enjoying your story. I have terrible insomnia/chronic pain, and this helped me get through an absolutely horrible night. I'm not very good at expressing myself in writing, but your style reminds me of some of my favorite authors. You've given so much depth to the characters that I feel like I know them personally. okay, I'm going to stop babbling and start reading again. I know this was rambling and incoherent, but I hope that I've been able to give you some positive feedback. And to thank you for making an unbearable night so much easier. ~ Dee
Black Bloody Rose Dragon chapter 19 . 5/15/2015
Wait what! Omg u gotta update faster i need amswers!
Black Bloody Rose Dragon chapter 18 . 5/7/2015
Its good so far what next
Guest chapter 17 . 4/2/2015
Simply amazing.
That Dude The Reads chapter 15 . 2/26/2015
ViolateHim chapter 14 . 2/18/2015
if something bad happens before the ceremony I swear to god
EmmaGraceWinchester chapter 12 . 2/1/2015
Love, love, love this story! I get so excited everytime I get an update notification. :) Keep up the awesome work, can't wait for the next chapter.
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