Reviews for Trolling the League
handwran chapter 8 . 7/14
itd be cool to see a warhammer 40k crossover for naruto,. But I have to warn you that if youre not a big fan of the series and havent spent a lot of time learning about it, dont write one about it. Warhammer lore is too weird and nuanced to write a fanfic about if you havent spent years learning about it, and even then its easy to make mistakes about it, and the fandom isnt very forgiving. But if you are a fan and know a decent amount about it, try getting some other people who know a lot about the lore to help you write it as frankly theres too much that needs to be known thats easy to gloss over for just one person to easily write a good fanfic about it.
kirosyamcha chapter 3 . 6/28
hmm your first story was really good but this one doesn't seem to serve any purpose other than what the title entails o.O
himalay.senapati chapter 1 . 6/7
Hitmen101 chapter 7 . 6/2
Thanks for the chapter and story. :D :)
LordearonMan2 chapter 2 . 4/28
I'm loving this fic already! A touch of tedious madness and cynic realism that you had presented was just so god damned hillarious!
Issei ODR chapter 7 . 4/6
Wow que fbuen final de esta historia
babiloniaolimpo chapter 5 . 4/3
Creo que con el tiempo se dará cuenta que la diferencia de edad es una tontería, él es inmortal.
babiloniaolimpo chapter 3 . 4/2
Me parece bien que hayas pulido al Naruto, estaba un poco mal.
babiloniaolimpo chapter 1 . 4/2
El universo de DC es muy extraño y demasiado extenso.
NibberWithAHardR chapter 1 . 3/23
He better at least see Mr Freeze as a kindred spirit, seeing as they both did terrible things to save (or trying to save in Mr Freeze's case) their wives
G chapter 1 . 2/22
Definitely needless. Robbin uses kanzata strings
Cranky Monkey 699 chapter 7 . 2/16
Again well worth reviewing after each read. I had actually forgotten how much your English and grammar improved between the first and second fics. Well done
PappyOldGuy chapter 7 . 1/27
Interesting and (well enough written in my opinion) very good story. I like it, I like it a lot! It seems to be meshing the realities quite well, and I can hardly wait (but I will) to see where it all goes. I do know this, when someone who is not the creator of a character, writes about them, it is to have them do something that the creator doesn't want to or didn't think of. I know that I always think of my favorite characters doing things, I have never read of in books or seen them doing in movies. I think it is fantastic that others (here in "FanFiction") are actually writing their stories of what they want them to do in a "What If" world. For those who complain that the characters would not do this or that, forget them. You need to write this first for yourself, and then for the rest of us who do enjoy your take on what just might, could, should, would and probability (if a frog had wings, his ass wouldn't bump the ground nearly so often) can happen. I do know this as well, I am enjoying it and will follow it as long as you will write it. Also, do NOT feel pushed to post, sometimes the words and thoughts just flow and sometimes you have to cogitate for a bit. Just learn to let them grow at their own pace and those of us who appreciate them will be here to read them when they are posted.

Thank you so much for sharing.
argentflare chapter 3 . 1/26
this story is extremly funny, my only regret is that he didnt get to bone catwoman
Simianpower chapter 7 . 1/26
Yet another example of Xanna being a horrible entity. Nonconsensual reproduction is a hazy quarter-step away from rape.

I liked the first story despite Xanna. This one has sucked almost from start to finish BECAUSE of Xanna. It sounds like the next one is more about Naruto than her, but if that is not the case I guess I'll be done with this series.
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