Reviews for Our Paths Are Crossing
Iku Mitsu chapter 12 . 3/27/2015
good luck
StardustAria chapter 12 . 1/30/2015
I Will wait story i'm sorry cannot give you some advice for story but i love yours story (sorry my english bad)
Awesome D.T chapter 12 . 11/28/2014
Well, you can do the following tips:
Maybe add a few love rivals to the scenario?
Give a little twist to the story; like maybe Meiko's parents adopting Miku?
Make one of Miku's friends suffer from a terminal illness or something.
Get Miku's dad FINALLY arrested by the police.
Get Miku's dad to sell her into prostitution or something and write about how Len and her friends save her.
That's all I can think of right now.
But Angel, please try to write about these ideas. I wouldn't like to see such a lovely story left hanging in the air.
Rolling-Chan chapter 12 . 11/23/2014
I'm too lazy to log in, so yeah.

Anyway, I know where you're coming from. I know this is at first glance really bad advice, but pushing yourself is actually what you should be doing. Now if you're losing sleep and not eating then even I have to say that is a bit extreme (yes, a bit; it's only considered extreme when you spend hours straight in front of the screen - eating and sleeping forgotten - and next to nothing is coming out of it), but don't ever not write. If you decide to take a break, there is a very, very high chance that after a while you're going to stop writing the story entirely. Allow me to say it again to make sure you are understanding my point. Don't. Stop. Writing.

The best part about this advice: all I said was to keep writing, I said nothing about sticking to this. Now don't stop writing this, that's not at all what I mean, but try writing something else to give you a new air in writing. You've been writing a hurt/comfort fanfic for eleven chapters now, so why not write a one-shot or two taking place in a different universe and with a different genre? Spend some time in a magic boarding school, or play around with a cutesy contemporary. Sure, none of those advance this story, but something IS getting written. After some time elsewhere you're going to return to this story with a fresh mind and a newfound love for this fanfic.

However, if you still have trouble with continuing this story then I say you're just going to have to force yourself to keep going anyway. Yes, you might not like - hate, maybe - what you have, but it's something! I know there are times when you don't *insert whiney tone* "feel like writing", but tough nuts. How often do your parents not "feel like working" but work anyway? It's the same thing as a writer. You have to keep going no matter what. Find thirty minutes at least a day everyday dedicated strictly for writing. By the end of that time if you want to keep going then by all means don't stop, but if you're still feeling dry then call it a day. The catch? DON'T DELETE ANYTHING YOU HAVE WRITTEN! I don't care if it is the most horrible, awful crap (excuse my language) that has ever been brought into the world; don't delete a single letter! It is something, and maybe if you let it sit for a day or two and come back to it you will find so many ways to fix it up and make it beautiful. Or if you think up of a scene you like better to act as replacement then that is completely acceptable.

Lastly, a tip for ideas. (Something that probably should have been first.) For me, going on a walk helps clear my mind and think up all these possibilities that usually leave me desperate to get home and begin writing them down and begin inserting them into my story. For some people watching T.V. or listening to the radio helps. Everyone is different, but there's always something out there to respark your inspiration. I hear one tip is to write down everything you love about your story and what made you want to write it. Sometimes you have to fall in love with your story all over again, because how can you write something you don't love? Keep going regardless of how good quitting looks. You will never regret writing this story to the very end, but if you just stop you're going to spend the rest of your life regretting that fanfic you never finished and the readers you disappointed.

Cutting my essay long review in short:
1) Take a break but not really a break and write a one-shot that's different from the atmosphere this one possess. It's okay if it sucks, you don't have to publish it or anything, but give yourself a different universe and genre to dive into and explore.
2) After getting a couple of short stories out of the way dedicate yourself all over again to writing this. Write thirty minutes a day; no more, no less. This way you won't be pushing yourself to unhealthy measures. As I said before, keep writing if you want to keep going after your thirty minutes, or stop if you want to. Only don't delete anything. Come back to it when the idea seems good to you and fix up the chapter until it looks good.
3) Find inspiration if you're feeling dry. Trust me, inspiration doesn't come to you, you have to hunt the little effer down and lock him away. There's no solid way to get the needed inspiration for this isn't a one size fits all situation. Do what you think works. Try every suggestion you can find. Something will work for you, but only if you are willing to let it.

Sorry for the long review, but I don't want you to give up just yet. As many reasons as there are for quitting, there are many more to keep going. Don't stop or else your break will become permanent. Keep writing. If I ever had to give anyone only one sentence of advice, the best thing I could ever say is to keep writing.

I hope I came across more helpful than annoying.

shramp scim chapter 12 . 11/23/2014
Oh, I think I have a scenario! OcO
Miku wakes up in the hospital. Since Meiko would get into trouble with the authorities for assault. They ask about Miku's parents and she tries to tell them as little as possible. Rin and Len visit her there. Whatever happens to Meiko depends on whether or not they decide to press charges, which is complicated unto itself and probably won't happen because of how Miku is, but if that woman is smart she'll stay dormant for five chapters or so.
Eh? Don't lose sleep over a chapter after something as harsh as that! Take your time with this! OnO
Rolling-Chan chapter 11 . 10/28/2014
Haha, well I named the twins' mom Clarissa only because I like the name so there's that. As for calling Rin Erin, I thought nobody picked up on that so I'm actually very happy that you noticed. It's okay you had your Clarissa call Rin by that name so don't worry about it. I'm actually really glad you liked the idea enough to use it. :)

You had a few errors in punctuation throughout this chapter so do keep an eye open next time. Regardless this was a nice chapter. Can't wait to see what happens next!
Awesome D.T chapter 11 . 10/23/2014
Oh my God! I FORGOT TO REVIEW LAST CHAPTER! I'm so sorry, Angel!

Awwwww, Len and Rin and Clarissa are such sweethearts! Even though the pain they've been through is unbearable . . . . I did think Rin and Len's father had died. But I didn't think he'd died such an honorable death.
Meiko - JUST WHAT IS YOUR FUCKIN' PROBLEM?! What has Miku even done to you that you hate her so much?! GOD - I HOPE YOU DIE, YOU BITCH. DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE. I hope you have the most rotten, brutal death ever possible and that your corpse is chopped up into pieces and fed to hounds. DAMN YOU, YOU BITCH.
Oh God . . . MIKU CAN DIE! I mean, damage to the cerebellum and medulla oblongota causes instant death! OR SHE CAN EVEN GO INTO A COMA! DAMN YOU, MEIKO! YOU FUCKIN BITCH! I HOPE SOMEONE DISEMBOWELS YOU!
Ms. Raynard . . . . JUST ADOPT MIKU ALREADY!
And Miku - no one can help you unless you help yourself. You must tell an adult and get over your fear.
VocaloidWriter chapter 11 . 10/17/2014
Late review! Gomenasai! *bows*


Wait, why was I censored? I said fudging female dog!

Meiko is so mean, I just wanna crack open her head and- nevermind...

See you next update!
shramp scim chapter 11 . 10/17/2014
Oh. Well it's still funny that they didn't clear up the misunderstanding.
Shut up, Ruko! Don't give Meiko any advice on murder! ene
Kameyoshi Alice chapter 11 . 10/17/2014
Well, of course I'm curious who will rin end up with OwO miku's dad doesn't seem that bad at all ewe at least he still worried that MikuMiku is late... I feel sorry for Rinny and Lenny's dad QwQ I thought he left them or he divorce with Clarissa but I was wrong! Uwaaaaa! I'm crying XD
D'awwwwww Lenny is such a cutie pie XD miku...*sigh* of course Lenny loves you! Look at him! He cares for you, you know? and Meiko is EVIL! must destroy her! Where are you Luka? QQ is she sick? And I still can't wait for kaito 0w0 when will he show up?
Oh, and Happy advance birthday OwO
Update soon... I can't wait OwO

Rolling-Chan chapter 10 . 10/12/2014
Haha, I see Rin-Chan as a potty mouth and a troublemaker with a knack for dragging everyone down with her, but overall is really friendly and keeps her heart in the right place. She's impossible to not love. :) Oh, and you accidentally said Rin-Chan has a "sweet teeth," not a "sweet tooth."

When I read the twins' mom is named Clarissa I burst out laughing because that's what the Kagamine mom's name is in my fanfic. I cracked up again when your Clarissa called Rin-Chan "Erin" because my Clarissa did the same thing when she scolded Rin-Chan. Are you copying me? XP

This was such a bittersweet chapter. I feel so sad for Miku-Sama that I just want to give her a hug, but at the same time I'm glad she's found such good friends in the twins. Ah, the feels!

I hope to see an update soon! :)
VocaloidWriter chapter 10 . 10/12/2014
*le tears of sadness* So...sad...

Hey, Miku had dinner in both updates of your fics! Cool!

Hopefully Len gets to treating that bruise. Wouldn't want Clarissa to see it. That would be a mess.

A big one.

Anyway, late review and apologies on my half. I'm a bit sleep deprived. Hopefully Miku's dad doesn't do anything to her...
shramp scim chapter 10 . 10/11/2014
NO WAY! They Miku in my story was also intended to be Mayu Hatsune, but the name was mixed up with someone else's, and her mom kept it because she thought it was NICE! OaO
Wow, my mother would also kill me for going to someone's house without permission from the adults. But I would definitely sneak in for the orange mousse.
Awww. If possible I would enter the story and slap some sense into Miku's father. Of course, he's a grown man and I'm a young girl who drops on the ground to take a nap after running twenty meters or so, which would make for a sloppy escape.
Kameyoshi Alice chapter 10 . 10/11/2014
I love Clarissa here and on the other ewe its perfect OwO I wonder who will Rinny end up with? And yes please x3 I want kaitoxgumi OwO nyahahhaha
Update soon ewe

Awesome D.T chapter 9 . 9/23/2014
Poor Rin. But at least she wasn't ignored!
One tip, Miku; to make crumpled pages straight, lightly heat an iron (very lightly) and slowly iron the pages. If you don't have one at home, go to the twins' house.
The Kagamine twins . . . . they're so lovely.
Len, I know the PERFECT way you can help! Hire an assassin and get Miku's father killed! :3 Yippee!
Or if only Mrs. Raynard could adopt Miku . . . . . . .
So Kaito's here too. But I have a feeling that he's gonna return and cause problems for Len and Miku -_- . . . . . .
Enjoy your vacation!
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