Reviews for 03- Tea With a Stranger
FullMentalPanic chapter 1 . 9/16/2014
Finally giving you some non-verbal feedback on this. I thought the recurrence of jasmine and the different ways it affects Iroh - smooth, calming, bitter - was very effective repetition, at the same time it wasn't overused. You're quite adept at having the environment complement what the characters are going through and I'm quite impressed with how you develop Iroh's wife and give sufficient detail for us to get attached while still staying vague enough that the whole thing could be canon. The vagueness worked nicely for the childbirth too where you can get the general idea of what's going on while not having too many details to nitpick over. Not actually knowing the meaning of Lu Ten's name, I thought you introduced it amazingly and it also kind of chokes me up thinking about Lu Ten's fate. Of course you could always put a positive spin on it, but it's still poignant. The ending still makes me choke up and you transition Iroh's character wonderfully and convincingly. The way the title ties in is flat out beautiful.
Ghibli Ninja chapter 1 . 8/1/2014
My god, I can't stop crying. Please make it stop! Iroh is my FAVORITE character from Avatar. He makes me wanna laugh, cry, drink tea, and just smile like every day is my last... not necessarily in that order. Like you, I have always been curious to see what Iroh was like before he became the Iroh we all know and love. It's true, we don't know anything about his wife, yet she might just be one of the most important people in the series.

I love how we learn about why Iroh drinks tea, and why he's so joyful about life. It's because of his wife, whom even though she was a stranger to him, she changed him for the better. He may not have known her well, but he still shows her respect, and in a way, love.
In changing Iroh, his wife is also an indirect instrument in the development of Zuko, Aang, Toph, and soooo many other characters. And you're right. Her mere existence also contributed to the saving of the world. Now that's how you live a life.
I feel sorry that she was never more than a shadow in the Fire Lord's home. But I can't feel all that bad. Because her phantom-like qualities, and quiet ways is the reason we have Iroh.

And that last line... that was pure genius. It summed up everything in the story perfectly.

Thank you Iroh's wife (whatever your name is), for giving us such a beautiful person in the world of Avatar. And thank you, Fahiru, for essentially creating her :D
Airhead259 chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
This story actually broke my heart.

I'm really glad that you took the opportunity to create a transition between Iroh's conquering self and the version of him we saw during A:TLA, because you did it in the most believable way possible. The way he gradually grew to understand his wife through observation was so natural, and it really suited the personality you gave him. I feel like the decision to have his wife remain nameless reflected his own detachment to his domestic life, so I found it very appropriate.

Although this fic was written for the theme "Tea Party", you ended up leaving most of us in tears. Definitely not what I expected, but in the best possible way. Please keep up the great work!
SoSaysL chapter 1 . 6/30/2014
Wow, what a melancholy, beautiful one-shot! I especially enjoyed the way you describe her (I think I'll call her 'Nameless One') through Iroh's eyes - the details you choose to share are powerful while being subtle. I think that 'doesn't like closed windows' was my favorite. It's a relatively simple preference, but shows worlds about Nameless One that don't necessarily have to be said.

The way Nameless One goes through the piece without a name is rather elegant and, in my opinion, a good stylistic decision. And the way all their interactions center around tea - although not necessarily a party - makes for a nice use of the prompt.

I like the juxtaposition of the quiet tea gatherings and then 'suddenly the Fire Nation attacks!' It kind of jumps out of nowhere, but that's the point.

I'm honored that you dedicated this piece to me (at least, I think?). I promise I'll write you a one-shot with a happy ending :)
Aviantei chapter 1 . 6/29/2014
To be honest, this isn't what I was expecting to read. Regardless, it was wonderful.

I feel silly 'cause I watched Avatar when I was much younger and I'm sure there are a lot of subtleties to the characters that I missed (and as such a re-watch is much needed). Still, the writing here definitely decides to dive deeper into Iroh's character and makes him so much more wonderful by giving him extra depth.

The "change" here that you wanted to portray comes off wonderfully-sudden and surprising, but still natural. Iroh's own realization that he's looking forward to coming home was especially touching, and hit all the right emotional buttons.

The reoccurring detail about the scent of jasmine was a great touch, too.

I like the decision not to give Iroh's wife a name. Sometimes it's hard to try and create an identity for characters like this (something I'm struggling with in my Betrayal prompt). It also plays off naturally with Iroh's initial disinterest in her, that he doesn't even recognize her by name. It also ties in greatly with how by the end he recognizes her more for her actions and as a person than just a name, which is beautiful.

I'm gonna be out of touch for internet access until Wednesday-ish, so I won't have time time to review your week four submission. Still, I look forward to it, and I wish you luck on your entry for week five!
Chronic Guardian chapter 1 . 6/28/2014
Are you sure you're not Kate di Camillo in disguise? Seriously... how are you so good at stealing, pulverizing, and then semi-repairing my emotions?

The "warming" of this fic as time goes on is what really gets to me. The characters start off cold and stiff (not intentionally so, mind you, that's just where they're at) but as time goes on, life breathes into them and its surging flow rails against the natural, proper march of death.

I do admit, the whole "Iroh drinks jasmine, next day the Earth Kingdom falls" broke the flow momentarily for me just because it sounded like a propaganda story for the Iroh's tea shop like an energy drink commercial (Drink tea, kids! Then you can conquer nations like me!). But it was only temporary, and I still saw your point.

The most impressive thing though, is that by the time we finally see the Iroh we know at the end of the story, we love him even more because of what he has endured. In the original, the most we see to that effect is the death of Lu Ten. The way you have it here likens Iroh even further to Zuko and shows even more the compassion and kinship the two share. Oh gosh, now I'm getting teary eyed as I think about Iroh and Zuko's reunion outside of Bah-Sing-Sei.

Since I'll probably be crying imminently (and that will interfere with writing properly) simply allow me to say this: this story touched me more than any other has over the course of this whole challenge. You get full marks for impact. Quack, Zura. This fate can be changed.

Hyoxjnn chapter 1 . 6/28/2014
WHAT in the WORLD was this bittersweetness?! XD
I only came here for tea ;_;

Anyway, you did a great job of not actually focusing on the tea too heavily, you only mention it when it'll have the greatest impact; quality over quantity.

I wasn't expecting such a deeply deepening relationship, but here we are.
It was good watching the seasons go by as Iroh gradually grew closer to his wife, and watching her move out to go live in her own little house in heaven.
Because that's what happens.

Character development in Iroh was simply luv-leh, and the story was just overall very enjoyable :D

Minor issues included, yes, the labour/birth.
I'm no expert either, but I'm QUITE sure that labour isn't THAT severe :P
Yes, there's pain, but she was TOTALLY out of it, mentally, even. That was a BIT confusing for me XP
Also, that one sentence: 'Telling her to blow, to pant it's coming too fast. She tries to blow but can't seem to get her lungs working'.
Did you perhaps mean: 'Telling her to breath, panting let's air out too fast. She tries to breath, but can't seem to get her lungs working'? Or something along those lines...?
Finally, WHY did she actually die...?
I thought she had a caesarean for a moment, and I'd simply missed it XD
But yeah, why DID she die?
(Whispers, "I'mIMPLYINGthatgivingbirthdoesn'tkillyou.")

But overall, still a very bittersweet tea- sorry, story XD

Betrayal's coming up, you've got this!
Amulet Misty chapter 1 . 6/28/2014
Irohh. Ah, the feels was strong with this one. I always have an image of a mote jolly Iroh, but we can't forget that he's suffered losses too. The additional loss this adds makes it all the more sad.

It's an interesting concept to think that Iroh had a different personality before the series, but I can see it having been the case, from the way you write it. I also love how you keep the wife nameless throughout it all...It was a bittersweet story, and I loved what you did with the prompt.

Hope to see your next one shot soon!
Kimberly T chapter 1 . 6/27/2014
Excellent work! This was very well done!