Reviews for A Blessing
Guest chapter 1 . 11/30/2019
Oh damn. I came here cause I thought Yukine was going to die and I'm leaving crying and shocked.
Mnemosyne's Elegy chapter 1 . 6/20/2018
Ugh, it's so good. It pretty much hurts from start to finish. It's really interesting to see this done with Bishamon because, let's be honest, that *would* be a huge change, even without having to grieve on top of it. Kazuma was great here too, and all the dialogue was on point.

And Yukine's emotions are just so raw. Especially in the past-dialogue with Yato. It's all really tragic, especially that ending. Those last few lines killed me. It's sad how sometimes the best thing to do is the one that hurts the most.

Anyway, great story :)
Guest chapter 1 . 8/5/2017
*takes a deep breath*



[Well Yato still has Yato Papa (lol, I meant his "father") in the canon plot for now... So.. I can calm myself down ;-;]
3D.2why chapter 1 . 10/28/2016
and the tears come
Arren Akasu chapter 1 . 10/9/2016
So sad. In am legit sobbing.
Gwydion chapter 1 . 6/11/2016
...t-this is literally almost exactly the scenario that keeps popping into my head when I think about how the heck Noragami is gonna end. Like, my first piece of Noragami fanart that I drew just days ago is of Yato disappearing while sitting by Hiyori's side as she dies of old age, and while Yukine isn't in it, I always imagined Yato bequeathing him to Bishamon. Imagine my surprise when I read this, lol. Well done and so heartbreaking. A pleasure to read someone else's take on an idea that has been swimming around in my head for several months now! :) I've really been enjoying your writing!
great gospel chapter 1 . 10/28/2015
Holy shit, this was intense. I love the change in Yukine's abilities and how he refuses to keep a similar name. I like how you waited until the end for the big reveal and how Yato truly regarded him as his blessing. Well done.
Riouchi chapter 1 . 10/18/2015
You've given us one possibility of what may become of Hiyori and Yato's relationship and yes, I could see this one could happen and if not, then something just as heartbreaking as this one unless Adachi sensei makes some sort of twist to make things work out...

Anyway, this fic is really great, well-written and I couldn't think of anything to criticize about. Though I must say I'm really curious of what would happen to Yato. Well,he've managed to survive and exist for so long w/o followers and Hiyori because of his father as his lifeline right? Unless his father is dead already in this fic or something. Ugh! So many possibilities!

Anyway,enough of my rant , and I would just like to point out how that last line killed me- that's just like Yato,alright. *hugs Yukine-kun* Thanks for this fic! It really pulled my heart strings,hard! :3~
aturnofthepage chapter 1 . 4/29/2015
Oh wow that's heartbreaking. The writing is perfection and the last bit packs a brutal punch. Thanks for sharing.
Taketheheart chapter 1 . 9/21/2014
That was sad. You had me crying at the end. But still a good read.
limonium chapter 1 . 8/5/2014
the last line did it and killed me
oh my god
this was all too sad
SharpieSam chapter 1 . 6/27/2014
I really never considered that tragic possibility. That was an amazing and such a great fic!
maru-nyan chapter 1 . 6/27/2014
Oh my god! I wasn't sure why Yato would release him, but when I was nearing the end and I realized why, I started to cry! This was really good, and damn Yato and Yukine's last conversation killed me!

Good job. I love ALL of your Noragami work!