Reviews for Runner
AnimeFreak71777 chapter 14 . 4/21
Kalkun chapter 14 . 4/4
love the story
ForestShadeau chapter 14 . 3/14
Thanks for the hard work love the story _
Guest chapter 14 . 2/22
This fic is seriously amzing!
Ghost of Los Angeles chapter 14 . 2/9
What happened to this story?
Spidersauce chapter 8 . 12/25/2019
Is she just extremely out of it? The amount of training she went through should mean Genma can't even come close to reading her, but his POV in this chapter reads her like a book. I dislike it
Spidersauce chapter 3 . 12/25/2019
"And how to eat a bowl of ramen in less than two seconds."
It is now headcanon that she taught Kakashi his eating-so-fast-my-mask-is-always on trick.
And him listening with rapt attention to this godly knowledge.
Guest chapter 14 . 10/28/2019
This is amazing!
TheBlueAmethyst chapter 14 . 9/22/2019
My eyes sting from all these emotions. Played , author.

Biggest praise upon this story is the sheer amount of courage for actually killing off a key character like that. That's a first for this kind of story, and I'm both in awe and saddened about the butterfly effect it's causing. Especially in regards to the team and their pseudo-parents' response to it, after those moments of building up relationships only for it to be stripped away.

Now, if you dear author could kindly set our dear Uchiha unto the path of recovery soon, I'd greatly appreciate it. While I don't mean to undercut the others' grief, the repercussions of his trauma worry me. Is he going to relive this with the Sharingan? Does he have Mangekyo?

Honestly, the way you've written the emotional parts are just gut pinching. I hope they can all get their happy ending, even if it's now limited to my imagination.

On another note, I'm pleased as a punch that the plans are going in motion for our protagonist. Good riddance to Danzo. A force to be reckoned indeed.

Sorry if the review sounds kind of disjointed, I tried to avoid mentioning (most) spoilers because to any who may be reading, please do read it now. This story puts an interesting spin on the SI genre, and it's not only competently written, it's neither overly cliched and exaggerated in its tale. It says what it wants, and it delivers. Even if it's incomplete, it's.a worthwhile read nonetheless.

In any case, thank you for living up to the friendship/tragedy tag and the emotional rollercoaster.

P.S. Senbon shipping will forever live in our hearts.
younojoking chapter 14 . 8/20/2019
oho! please update if you're not busy. i'm curious
Ifgrasswereblue chapter 14 . 8/15/2019
I love this so fucking much omggg
Guest chapter 14 . 7/23/2019
Great story.
WowReaver chapter 14 . 5/1/2019
Oh man this was totally worth the reread and I'm totally crying at 3 am on purpose I swear. 10/10 would read again
Guest chapter 1 . 4/19/2019
I hope she's not actually dead. The summary seems to be alluding to it.

Or it could mean something like "she's so stubborn her actions affect people even in death"—

but optimism is great so I'm gonna go with the first option.
The Auric Healer chapter 14 . 4/3/2019
I love this.
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