Reviews for Strange Attractions
Namiroku chapter 23 . 8h
my heart Is broken right now..
Guest chapter 23 . 9/9
I’m glad you’re ending it here. It doesn’t make sense for them to be together. Itachi doesn’t even like Sakura and even threatened her. So why would Sasuke’s family ever love her? I agree with you that they’d never give up their privilege and money to love a poor person like her. It’s cold and sad but tbh it’s true. Thank you for keeping it real, especially during these hard times. We don’t need false hope when the world is depressing enough. Especially with covid, all the rich ppl don’t care about the rest of us. So I don’t think Sasuke and his family would be any different. I hope Sakura can get the career and stability she wants. At least she’ll get that as a happy ending and it’ll still be realistic :)
jpyong chapter 23 . 9/8
I'm not even gonna deny how I had to reread this story over and over again because of how damn good it is. Your portrayal of sasuke and sakura are just amazing and the narrative's are just.. damn. thank you for updating srsly! And dynamite is halleluuuu lol
min chapter 23 . 9/8
ahhh you’re an amazing writer my heart legitimately hurts feeling Sakura’s pain... thanks for your writing! ️ and fellow army also delighting in the boys topping billboard
kaikuro chapter 23 . 9/8
So I'm kind of dying along with Sakura at the chapters end. Not to be rude...but like...I know Sasuke's HELLA stressed and all...but like..dude...come gonna give your girl the slip like that? Tsk tsk. He wouldn't know a good thing if it smacked him on the ass. and Itachi ain't helping either. What's with these Uchiha men? Shannarroooooo!
The Ram Princess chapter 23 . 9/7
Love this story. I hope at least Sakura gets to finish her career.

I also can't wait until Sakura's meeting with her family.
BTS fan chapter 23 . 9/7
YAAAS the shout out for our bois! I love that as one of my favorite authors and you also listen to one of my favorite musicians. Thank you so much for the update, it was so good! chapter 23 . 9/7
Ugh this is depressing im feeling it
Aaron chapter 23 . 9/6
Yes ARMY s... Congrats!
By the way... won't there be a epilogue?
chillaxin101 chapter 23 . 9/6
Thank you so much for updating! I have been waiting to see what happens next. After the last chapter we established that they loved each other but would both we pulled away due to family obligations, and I have been craving interaction between Sakura and the Uchihas, Sakura and the Sabakus or Sasuke and the Sabakus. This chapter really set the stage for what will happen next and I am interested to see what Sakura has to say to the Sabakus. But I am so mad at Sasuke - despite everythign he just stopped texting and calling her? After he was the first one to express his feelings and reassure Sakura that they weren't just going to break up and that they should give it a shot? Oh the words I could say to him right now! I know you just updated, but please please update again soon because I am dying to see what happens next - I am sure the next time they meet will be at some fancy event, and it looks lie they will pretend not to know each other...I really wonder what Itachi was trying to get at with meeting Sakura and why Sasuke stopped contacting Sakura. Is he really trying to protect her, or what is going on? Do the Uchiha think a relationship with the Sabakus is not advantageous? I wonder what Mikoto's thoughts are on the matter if she knows.

Can't wait until the next chapter! Until then, please stay healthy, safe and sane! And yes, I am so happy for that our boys got #1 on the BB Hot 100. Really hoping they at least get a grammy nomination in one of the main categories, because they truly deserve it. I feel like they will definitely get a solo stage opportunity and how amazing would it be if they win!
Woo chapter 23 . 9/6
Ahhhhh its always a delight to see this story updated! This chapter broke my heart
chica-flick chapter 23 . 9/6
awww oh sakura not that negative thinking :(
agentxyz chapter 23 . 9/6
Aww I love this story and it is so well fleshed out. Literally the relationship from them first meeting to being in a steady relationship to it finally fizzling 23 chapters later all flows so well. This chapter broke my heart even though we saw it coming, The last section is such a cliffhanger and I can't wait to read the next chapter.
Guest chapter 23 . 9/6
Well damn :(
bintezaka chapter 23 . 9/6
I literally just finished reading this story yesterday...and I was a little disappointed that such an amazing story hasn't been completed...
and it just got updated...I'm feeling excited to read it...
Hope you keep on updating..
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