Reviews for Enemy Within
hyperomegasonic26 chapter 3 . 8/1/2014
Oh no! Takato, Jenrya, Ruki, Ryo, Guilmon, Terriermon, Renamon and Cyberdramon are under the control of micro agents of the D-Reaper and want to do away with the whole world and also the Digi-World. Regarding Culumon, and Shaggai program, I believe the controlled tamers will use both to make the D-Reaper to return to its former glory and revive the threat by doing the inverse operation which degenerated the D-Reaper.

As Impmon will be the star of this story, I think Yamaki will suggest that the other tamers will also need to achieve Martix Evolution Bio-Merge to face the tamers controlled order to prevent the D-Reaper revive. By using a special machine created by Hypnos, Impmon will have their data copied and so may bring Leomon back to the joy of Jeri Kato. It is also possible that the Infermon that was absorbed by Impmon will be restored with this technique and because of this, Yamaki will finally win a Digimon partner, as he admitted in the series that he is envious of the Tamers to have adventures, which leads to Yamaki also believe that I would have a Digimon partner.
hyperomegasonic26 chapter 2 . 7/10/2014
It's a good story.

The things that seemed to be calm with staff Digimon Tamers will become more complicated with Takato, Lee, Rika, Ryo and their Digimon are controlled by agents of the D-Reaper who survived. Could show a special scene in the next chapter where we reveal that after the final battle against the D-Reaper, the Hypnos's personal did a scan of x-ray to check if all children were well after that fight, and the end result would Takato, Lee, Rika and Ryo had something microscopy in their bodies. But tests would give negative, indicating that it should be a common disease.

But after trazerer the Digimon back and perform another x-ray, Yamaki receives the results, noting that the Gullmon, Renamon, Terriemon Cyberdramon possum and the same kind of thing microscopy within their bodies as well as those seen in the bodies of Takato, Rika Lee and Ryo. Have the other Digimon and children, none of them have these things in them microscopy, which would Yamaki think D-Reaper, despite being dead, must have planned one last thing before he was defeated and he would be in charge of helping Impmon and others.