Reviews for Rock 'N Roll High
Guest chapter 24 . 4/27
This is fic is so fucking good
Kamui Senketsu chapter 24 . 11/8/2016
What a completely awesome hilarious and interesting story you have here. This is totally favorited. XD
cary99 chapter 1 . 10/22/2016
Awesome chapter
Ryuakilover chapter 24 . 7/30/2016
This is really good fiction looking forward for the next update
DeathKitsune666 chapter 24 . 1/15/2016
I have hope that you'll end up updating this story ;-;
Sera Draco chapter 24 . 7/19/2015

I was going to write a review that would be like "Hell yeah, this is tots gonna pump Hella up!" but then I read all the others and imma like... "I can't write better then that...Fucking damn..."

Anyway, this story is so stellar that I seriously cried when I couldn't read it due to my bro hoggin the com! I have never been into oldies flicks and all that jazz, but I looked every song that you mentioned up on iTunes and wrote them down for being bought at a later date~~ Just wow! Right now i'm into like the more recent songs with electric sounds and sexual stuff... And then I listen to these and imma like "exception...exception...that one too...ooooh that sounds good..." LOL

Not just the music tho, I loved the humor and the plot! It never lost my interest even tho I suspect either no sexy bits at all or a very long time to get to the ero, and I even read the whole story twice! Once when I read it for the first time (up to chapter 20 or sumthin) and then all over again when I saw updates in my email. Ahhhh... sometimes I play with the idea of Allen and Kanda together, just so I can have Lavi all to myself~~ 3 I loved his accent in the first 51 eps of D. Gray Man... was heartbroken when they switched back to subbed and he sounded normal by Jap standards ;(

He's such a flirt in this fic, I love it~
(Ok, ok, that's enough, don't write anymore... Hella doesn't wanna read a novel in the reviews...)
Body No chapter 24 . 7/16/2015
Srsly though,
I was sad nearing the end of chapter, but the image of the sunset is so peaceful.

I laughed so much at the image of Allen howering over Kanda because of,not agreeing X3

Please continue with the awesomenessss! OuO
Firediva0 chapter 24 . 7/14/2015
Hellla-chan! *tackles you to the ground in a bone crushing hug* It's been like forever since I've talked to you/read your stories. I am super sorry for that by the way. Things just got SUPER hectic in this last year, and I lost my internet and got it back then had to catch up on challenges I've missed. It was truly horrible, but I am sooooo happy I finally was able to make time for this fic!

I loved the chapters, and can't wait to see what that awesome brain of yours concots next!

Always and forever a fan,
~Fire, the awesome yet irritating zombie lieutenant as dubbed by my commander Mika-chan.
PS. LAVEN, YULLEN YUM YUM YUM! *Smiles insanely wide* I'm not quite sure how I feel about Yuvi, but it doesn't bother me as much in here as I know it would in another fic. GOOD JOB! :D
Lead Potato chapter 24 . 7/13/2015
*sniffle* This was the most beautiful thing EVER! As the 80's kids say it: That was f'cking ACE, man! Stellar! Tubular! All that glorious jazz!

I freaking love how you didn't forget to put Lavi in this time! In fact, I might say he's the star of the show! All those Laven moments were just precious!

The psychic powers kick in again! I totally called it that someone would see Allen dancing, because sexy things like that never go unnoticed. I had the tiniest bit of hope that it would be Lenalee, only because I wanted to see how she would react. But at the same time SO SO glad that it was Lavi, and Kanda was trying to ignore it! Also, did Lavi have that boner the whole day? As far as my knowledge takes me, boners don't go away that easily... And calm down, Lavi! Getting a boner just from pouncing Allen!

Ah, again, the Laven moments! Don't get me wrong, that's not the only reason I love the latest installment, but I live off that shaz. So if I find just the tiniest hint, I will rant about it! Lavi getting punched in the nose was just amazing. Great way to end off the whole "McDonalds Date" fiasco. Also, when Lavi said he was asking Allen out, I was so happy! But then when he mentioned McD's I just deflated. I thought he was literally asking him out, like, "Be my boyfriend, biatch." Oh well. Another time for that then. And def more romantic than Mickey D's.

The ending though! "One of them did care for not being able to sit beside their significant other" OH MY FRICK, WHO THOUGHT THAT?! I bet I know~ Let's break it down, shall we?

Since all Kanda was thinking about was weed, (lol) we can cancel him out. Everyone loves Lenalee, but she can be an airhead sometimes, and therefore was only thinking about the sunset. Same with Allen. *sigh* And here we have Lavi. Lord knows what the hell goes on inside that head, but oh-ho, we do now! I'm gonna wager that Lenalee was sitting in between Allen and Lavi, so! That brings us the conclusion that, drumroll please, Congratulations! Lavi has Allen on his mind 24/7! At least I'm pretty sure of it! Do correct me if I'm wrong, but sire, I believe I am not! This was one happy chapter indeed! One happy chapter in-freaking-deed! I do hope you've read all of this so far, because all of this would have been for naught! Let me stop acting like a British butler, thank you!

Ahem. This was long. But I bet you're a happy cookie! Oh lookie, you're wearing a barney face right now, aren't you? Yes! I used it right!

One more thing before I stop pestering you, there were some mistakes in here. I was honestly really surprised that Hella-chan would do that. So surprised in fact, that I did a double take. I guess that's what happens when you rewrite the chapter a million times over, huh? Just let me say this; Don't have any doubt's, whatsoever. It's okay to go over it and make sure it's fine, but only one or two times. Any more than that and you'll get the result of many, many mistakes, that seems right to you, because you've re-read it a million times over. But it isn't for us because this is our first time reading it. Just don't regret a single thang, girlfriend! Publish that chapter! To hell with what other people think! To hell with what YOU YOURSELF thinks! If it's fine to you, then you can bet your barney-looking a*s that it is to the rest of us!

That is all. Stay fabulous! ~LP

(Ah. I give SUCH meaningful reviews.)
inuyashamunkey chapter 20 . 7/13/2015
i miss when you were so quick to finish in the beginning plleeeaaaasssseeee udate soon, even just a day aster woul b great
XavierForest chapter 24 . 7/13/2015
...Lavi's attitude to Allen and Kanda's denial is always so interesting to read about in this story
Lead Potato chapter 23 . 6/25/2015
Hells yeah I'll be with you until the end!

I would have loved the chapter ten times more if Lavi had screentime. -_- I mean, he did show up for the performance, but that was essential! I mean, who would play in his place, Barney? And why Kanda and Allen? Why not the whole band going outside together to experience Allen getting verbally raped? Why u do dis? TT_TT I know it sounds like I'm complaining, but come on man! Just WHY? Were you initiating some Yullen? WHY HAVE YOU BEYRAYED MEEEEEE?! You better make it up with some cheesy down-low Laven moments in the next chapter!

A on the humor as usual. Props to Yuu for saying that Allen looks like Barney. I used that in my complaint too :P

No but cerealy, Lavi's got one line in this chapter. You thought I was letting you go? Huh? NOT THIS TIME! I AM EMOTIONALLY SCARRED NOW, THANK ZE VERY MUCH! SINCE WHEN DOES LAVI NOT GET SCREEN TIME! TT_TT I'm sorry, just-just leave me alone for a bit! TT_TT you crushed ma hopes man!
ZestyPickle chapter 23 . 6/25/2015
Hnng I like the song choices for the performances. This chapter was pretty cute all with Allen's innocence to obvious strangers and teasing manner to Kanda. I'll be waiting for the next update~
Mr. Magic Mushroom chapter 23 . 6/25/2015
Lol. Tyki's a pervy bum.
Kanna Raimi chapter 22 . 5/30/2015
I can't wait! PLS have more decent Allen/Kanda moments pls
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