Reviews for The Lycanthrope Trilogy: Heart
Guest chapter 19 . 10/13/2018
I absolutely love this series and would love to see a new chapter because its every well written and the characters are perfectly matched.
SayakaAzuhara chapter 19 . 7/15/2018
Layla M. Lune chapter 18 . 2/16/2018
Um, it might be because you only write excerpts, but I get confused over who is whose new character. I mean, Kyle and Frost stick out, but the other characters? Not so much. I think it's because I know that your book has connections to the anime through fanfiction, that I think of your OCs as D-Gray Man characters, so the new names and stuff confuse me. Because I know D-Gray Man, I already have feelings attached to the characters. But when you introduce them as OCs, I feel confused. Should I see them as completely new characters with no attachments to the anime? Or are they still the same characters with different names? Again, this could be that you only write excerpts and I have little to get to know the character thoroughly from. If you write the whole story, I might be able to understand the characters better and not have to refer from the anime.

Ok, with that out of the way, I'd like to say that I love your fanfiction (especially the embarrassing but still irresistibly adorable romance between Kanada and Allen), and if your trilogy book comes out, I'll be sure to try and get my hands on it!

Also, here are answers to your questions.
1. Frost for the win, though Anubis comes close.
2. Yuu! He's the most awesome lycan!
3. Ability to transform into any animal. Limits are that I can only transform into an animal that isn't extinct or fantasy, because the ability comes with inherited genes of existing species only. It is possible to transform into a mythical or extinct species, but it requires a deep understanding of anatomy and biology, and a ton of practice that doesn't end up with a mutation that kills or a deformity.
Another is being able to fast forward and rewind (Not totally control) time, but only for a few seconds (the most being three minutes), and can't affect the user (the user rewinds time, everyone moves backwards except him/her, who can move normally; the user's time is unaffected).
4. I have no good last names, so only first names here. (Japanese) Gen, Ren, Sen (please don't badmouth the rhyming names; I like them!) (English) Snowdrop, Hawthorne, Isabelle, Tundra, Sleet, Skye, Kale, Alexia.
5. Since you're looking for unique, hair that changes color to match the sky, glows in the dark or moonlight, or shines a different color in different lighting and gilver (goldsilver) eyes, eyes that mimic the night sky or inverted eyes (with white pupils and black scellera).
6. Syrant, for the element of Void (nothing, empty space). Syrants are creatures with an extremely thin and long physique (long thin neck, long thin tail, etc.), a vulpine face, head and ears (though their noses are reptilian), canine paws, deer horns and covered with smooth leathery scales. Their coloration are mostly from dark blues, purples and greens with silver accents. They are voiceless and emit no sound at all, with the ability to erase their presence completely. I have more info on them, but these are main things to know.
7. ...I honestly have no idea, sorry.
8. Maybe weasels, stoats, ferrets, otters, martins and some sea or freshwater creatures too (like sharks, marlins, seahorses, dolphins, seals, etc.) that can 'swim' through the air when not in water, or other mythological creatures.

I wish your story lots of success!
DarkMysticalFox chapter 19 . 9/21/2017
I really do hope you continue this fanfiction. It's pulled me in in the last day that I've been reading it and hope you don't discontinue it. It's a really amazing concept, one that I've not read before.
Katie chapter 19 . 3/21/2017
I really love your story and would love for you to continue. I really hope you do not discontinue this story but I would understand if you did. I would love for you to use their normal name again because I am really confused without them. I would still read it if you continued with their new name it is just a little confusing. I hope you can update when you can.

I absolutely adore your stories and hope you can update them soon.
Thanks for reading :).
Chiyozora-Mazura chapter 19 . 11/27/2016
This story wasn't updated for more than a does that mean that it's discontinuated? QAQ *losing hope*
Chiyozora-Mazura chapter 1 . 11/27/2016
I am happy to see that Lycanthrope has a continuation
CaitiAthena chapter 2 . 7/22/2016
wow, what in the name of Mugan is going on?
CaitiAthena chapter 1 . 7/22/2016
oh fudge, I don't trust this guy.
aquavenn chapter 19 . 5/15/2016
Hmmn. With you find your inspiration? I mean if Allen's the traitor kanda could mention something or someone else could on how Allen smella less bitter and more sweet chocolate. Fou could become human again and mention something to kanda... Or someone else...

The earl getting back to the vampires and its their point of view. Flash back to how Allen knows Tyki and road. Or even a hint Allen might not remember things. Or he washes mud off his leg and there is blood somewhere. Allen could get bit cause the earl wanted it as an expirement. Allen coulve had a long red haired form with glasses and was a vampire but using magic he turned himself human...
aquavenn chapter 18 . 5/15/2016
Ooo , I wanna read this published!
aquavenn chapter 17 . 5/15/2016
Ooo cool. Sucks about computer
aquavenn chapter 16 . 5/15/2016
So Allen just... Gets to be the one who is jealous and acts like kanda is his property and yuu doesn't flip out?
aquavenn chapter 15 . 5/15/2016
Oh?! PH shit will fuck. And I knew it had to deal with Shiloh. NOW how would Allen know how daisya died? Hmmn if he killed him. Hence the no remorse. Fucking Allen. Its you isn't it?
aquavenn chapter 14 . 5/15/2016
Shit wait wait. Its Allen he's fucking dirty the only one who isn't suspected of being a Noah traitor. When that's who he is... A Noah. Boom. It is Allen. AL AL ALlen wALker pfft.
But the kit of Lenalee and lavi might still b... Or just saw Allen's other personality. Tho I thought it was just cause Shiloh had blue eyes...
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