Reviews for Down Boy
RandominatorOwl chapter 7 . 5/5/2015
Pyra Sanada chapter 7 . 10/12/2014
Yes please to a sequel! And I must admit that Darcy/Steve/Bucky is my OT3. Can't wait to see more your works come out!
BlueEarings chapter 4 . 10/7/2014
This is such a cute fic! I'm really enjoying reading this!
Jo chapter 7 . 10/4/2014
So is this the end or is there more, i would love to see more!, also OT3 sounds good hoping you do a sequel as i love your darcy and bucky and everyone!
Whitelion69 chapter 7 . 10/5/2014
This was a very good story.
Qweb chapter 7 . 10/4/2014
I liked the ending.
angeleyenc chapter 7 . 10/4/2014
I loved it! :D
Pyra Sanada chapter 6 . 10/2/2014
I have to admit, I enjoy a bit of angst before reaching a happy ending for my favorite pairings. This being one of them, I'm hoping for a bit more angst, but eventually I'd like to see Darcy and James get back together after everyone realizes how deplorably miserable they are without each other.
pianogirl203 chapter 6 . 9/28/2014
Well, you could go anywhere with this story. You just have to do what you think is best. Personally, I really like the bucky and darcy relationship, and I think you should try getting them back together. Your the author, do what you think is best.
Jo chapter 6 . 9/27/2014
I am loving it, wish it will still be continuing! love these guys so much. If you think an OT3 is a good idea then try it out see how you go will support any decision you will make. Would love to see these guys work out there issues and please continue as it is worth it!
Calliope's Scribe chapter 6 . 9/27/2014
This is SUCH an amazing story! Please continue updating, I love how you write Bucky's character!
ML143 chapter 6 . 9/27/2014
My vote is on an OT3, with a lot of Steve and Bucky confusion, Tony and Clint perviness, and Thor protectiveness.
Evangeline-Sibeliah chapter 6 . 9/27/2014
I had no idea you came to a dead end with this story. Okay, let's take a look...
From the moment Darcy found out, she's been mistreated by quite a few of her friends and colleagues, so maybe you could focus on that.
1) Tony's popcorn eating shtick was like laughing Darcy in the face, and considering that they're supposed to be friends in this story, that must've stung. His comments didn't get less nasty when he heard about the brake-up, either.
2) Even more importantly, a couple days after the reveal, while Darcy was dealing with the question whether to forgive Bucky's deception and her following humiliation, not to mention the bigger question of whether to continue their relationship, Steve and Natasha sat her down and downright threatened her. Their assumptions that she was still dating him at that moment and that she was going to hurt him in the future were not only ignorant and insulting - you could also make it a point that it was Steve and Natasha who scared Darcy away, not Bucky.
3) They gossip about Bucky's and Darcy's relationship? And then comment on it in front of her? Seriously?
Because of this "unfriendly working environment" and because she realizes that she won't be able to keep saying no if Bucky's around, Darcy might request a transfer so that she'd work for the Avengers without being in the Tower. I'm talking about some Stark offices, PR department and such. This would make her coworkers realize they should've treated her better.
Then, something could happen, some emergency that throws Bucky and Darcy together into an isolated space for a long period of time, including sleeping next to each other and triggering situations, and surprise surprise, they're doing fine. Darcy and Bucky start to date again but they're afraid to tell anyone, so they do it in secret. This could start a whole new arc of your story...
What do you think? Is it anywhere near whad you'd wanna write?
Anber chapter 6 . 9/27/2014
huh this was an interesting turn but I guess it was something that had to happen
angeleyenc chapter 6 . 9/27/2014
oh steve.. you'd gone and done it now.. *sigh* *face palm* plz update! poor bucky.. *hugs* he needs Darcy! I would just keep the pairing bucky/Darcy..
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