Reviews for Hunger
KHB123 chapter 1 . 1/6
This was really great! I just finished reading the entire volume of Bone, and the way you filled in this scene was much needed:) I love exploring the unspoken emotional stuff of flawed characters like Phoncible P. Bone!
detectivejigsaw chapter 1 . 9/23/2014
Oh! I like this a lot! As bizarre as it is to see Phoney have some self-awareness, realizing just how much of a selfish jerk he is, it's also great! And I liked the tension, and seeing how much the cousins all care about each other.
shadow talon girl chapter 1 . 7/29/2014
Hmm, where to begin...? Well, first off:
OKAY I am SO glad that you posted this; I just recently got into Bone and I feel like I missed out on ANY chance to be part of a fandom whatsoever. Seeing that there were only 16 fanfictions almost confirmed my worry, until I saw what was at the top of the list.
So picture this: I've just finished Ghost Circles, about to finish the entire series, and there's ONE SPECIFIC PART of said book that I still can't get over. And who would have guessed that THAT PART would be the subject of a fanfiction? And not just any fanfiction, but one that was published LAST MONTH? Whoa.
So after freaking out about how awesome the mere existence of this story was, I decided to actually read it. And if you'll excuse me for a moment, I need to fangirl again.. GAAAH MY HEEEAART I mean I never expected a oneshot of a long-past comic book to be THIS WELL WRITTEN! I just... I'm pretty speechless right now...
In the first few volumes, Smiley was (and I hate to say it but it's true) an idiot. I mean, he's still the same happy and carefree Bone he was before, but thar just goes to show how far he's come. After all he's been through, how he still manages to keep a smile on his face in the toughest of times, it just shows that he's learned a lot.
And Phoney. GOOD LORD, PHONEY. I always look forward to seeing the more tender moments with him and Smiley - I just really love their friendship OK? - but THIS. There were actual TEARS in my eyes; and when Smiley woke up just to reassure him that it wasn't his fault... oh man. I had to put down my phone for a while.
Okay, I'm sorry for freaking out there, so I'll try to wrap this up. This is a GORGEOUSLY written story; the emotions were very real and the imagery was excellent. Not to mention I have a much bigger respect for Phoney. I really, REALLY hope you decide to write more for Bone. I'll be keeping an eye on your profile in case you do! Well, I think I've taken up enough of your time. Thank you for the amazing story, and I hope to see more someday! (Also if you want to message me or something no one I know reads Bone and I DESPERATELY need someone to talk to about it but now I'm just blathering XP)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/22/2014
This is my new favorite it!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/22/2014
This is my new most favorite thing.