Reviews for born to blush unseen
Guest chapter 4 . 4/22
I read the reviews first and thought I would like it after what everyone said but I thought it was horrible... sakura and Sasuke were so ooc but bad ooc. I can’t believe I read it to the end! The writing wasn’t bad though...
Ji Hyun1 chapter 4 . 3/30
So heartbreaking. I'm crying.
thefangirlslair chapter 4 . 6/20/2019
The imagery in this art has captivated my heart and i am crying. Your sakura was such an amazing character and sasuke broke my fucking heart. Thank you for this.
Ilegitim chapter 4 . 12/29/2018
My heart is broken! This was such a beautiful story. Thank you soooo much!
Ilegitim chapter 1 . 12/28/2018
This is such a good first chap! So well written!
I love historical fics so much. I like that, even thought Sasuke is in a lower position than Sakura here, you did such a great job in making him seem and feel equal to her. I mean, like you said in the story, I find Sasuke to be the tipe of guy that will always demand respect someway. Directly or indirectly. Maybe it's an Uchiha thing... like... in the anime they are crazy but I still find them so interesting (Sasuke is my fave actually XD).

I kind of read some reviews before starting this and I know I have to expect a sad ending... But am I ready? 'Cause I don't know exactly what kind of sad ending.

Sakura is also very well written. Like. Sakura not loving Sasuke is sooo OOC. She does love him here but she wants to be a big leader so bad... I'm worried :( I had bad goosebumps when she said "No, not yet". She is still in character. I felt that she loves Sasuke but her logic makes her stupid.

Again. Super chapter!
jervaulx chapter 4 . 10/8/2017
i read the reviews to prepare myself and said i wouldnt cry; but i did anyway. thank you for this piece of art. the characterisation, dynamics, everything is just too beautiful for words.
Tlgrimn chapter 4 . 8/18/2017
Kunoichi-of the-Leaf chapter 4 . 8/15/2017
AMAZING writing; I was completely caught up in the story. Setting it in this era is always tricky but you managed to make it true to era and not gimmicky. However my one qualm is that is should be labeled as romance and angst not drama because that Sasuke & Naruto scene and Sakura's reaction killed my soul
ANURADHA MISHRA chapter 4 . 1/12/2017
this story is a tale of true love that stays in your heart when it is no longer in your sight, this is one of a kind that leaves u in tears, hope, sadness, peace, and thought..
ShizuokaKitsune chapter 4 . 2/29/2016
Holy shit. I was not expecting that. I was so wrapped up and couldn't stop reading and then, WHAM. I was crying. It was unexpected, but real and beautiful. For that I thank you. This is a magnificent story.
Lyshka chapter 1 . 10/21/2015
this fanfic is so beautiful. you must read it guys. it's worth your time. i cried for this and it's achingly beautiful. thumbs up, windsilk! :D
Mrs Scorpius Malfoy chapter 4 . 6/26/2015
I am in love with your writing! It was a tragic ending, but amazing nonetheless. Great characterisation; I always find that Sakura is a character that you can mold into different situations and she comes out great. The concept was really good as well, the idea that Sasuke is her protector and secret lover.
Thansk for keeping it short too :) I find that reading short stories leaves a larger impact on the reader since the author needs to make it much more significant in a smaller space.
Alwyas happy to read your work!
Tenshi chapter 4 . 6/21/2015
How could you...
My heart has died
zekksgirl chapter 4 . 6/13/2015
Annnnnd I'm sobbing. That was beautifully tragic.
uchihasass chapter 4 . 4/22/2015
this is going to be all over the place, you've been warned.

i loved how fully realized sakura was in this story. you managed to capture her girlish charms, her beauty and her smarts, her generous to a fault spirit, her thirst for the throne, and everything in between so well. watching her blossom and wilt, only to rise up to take the throne and claim what she had so aggressively, stealthily fought for was a strangely thrilling and gratifying experience. i just feel like i went through the full spectrum of emotions, following her journey from beginning to end, and if that's not an accomplishment, especially given the relatively slim length of this story, i don't know what is.

sasuke, oh dear sasuke. never in the spotlight, but always in the shadows, or more accurate yet, always /like/ a shadow, following her everywhere, never abandoning her side or her dreams. in the end, he really did give everything to her. i just did not think that it would play out quite so literally. i am devastated that it did. but at the same time, i understand. i was starting to wonder about naruto too. there's only so many times you can slip poison into the royal supper and not get caught or at least rouse suspicion, so it could not be done by her. it speaks to how much she cared about him, how much he meant to her and vice versa that this did not occur to her first, that he thought to do it himself, that she ran like her life depended on it when it clicked, and that he'd already laid the crown on her head by the time she finally caught up. could two people have been any more in love and so completely enough for each other, while simultaneously not being enough for one another? because that was exactly how their relationship was. they were doomed from the start. she wasn't going to have the crown /and/ the love of her life. he belonged to her by duty, but he was never going to be able to take her as his alone. it was a difficult choice, and sasuke made it for them. he made it for her.

i am so happy we got to see sakura become queen like she wanted to be, like she was born to be, but i never imagined seeing her like this would be so bittersweet. it makes me wonder how long she is going to live and rule and prosper, because that is exactly how long she is going to be haunted by the absence of the dutiful shadow by her side. but i also know that she is going to find strength to go on, regardless of the heartbreak she will be nursing for the rest of her life. he made the choice for her, because he knew she would be strong enough to endure its consequences.

i am amazed at the depth you were able to accomplish with a story composed entirely of little scenes and snippets. it's definitely a technical feat, supported by your beautiful prose and solid world building. just a stunning achievement, overall! thank you for writing and sharing this gem. ;A;
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