Reviews for A Criminal Mind
chanellem chapter 22 . 4/30
please post more. i was on the edge of my seat for each chapter :)
Kurama's Foxy Rose chapter 22 . 11/23/2018
And they wonder why Rossi committed suicide.
Kurama's Foxy Rose chapter 20 . 11/23/2018
Rossi figured out the cupcake was poisoned (about the same time I did, most likely) and decided to EAT IT?
I'm sorry, the moron deserved to die. It would NOT have been to throw the cupcake on the floor and stomp on it.
AFCBrandon chapter 22 . 11/6/2018
Sorry, but your Sherlock is so OOC. Maybe I missed a note saying he would be, but it’s difficult to keep reading this as a fan of both shows knowing that there’s no way in hell anyone from the BAU could get under Sherlock’s skin, yet they somehow manage to do it time and time again.

Sherlock is a sociopath that makes the exception on occasion. The fact that he’s known Reid for less than a week yet has managed to become a target because of how “close” they are is such...BS.
Tamuril2 chapter 22 . 4/7/2018
Hurray, you're back! I've missed this story. Although, it's been awhile, where is Sherlock again? I keep forgetting.

I also forgot Rossi died, and am now sad all over again. Poor team. Poor MYCROFT. I'm glad Hotch went to see him.
foxchick1 chapter 22 . 4/5/2018
I can't wait to see what happens next, and thank you.
Tamuril2 chapter 21 . 9/10/2017
Aha, the dress. *dies laughing*

*is revived*

Ack, Dave died. So sad, especially Reid's reaction. Poor, poor boy. I can see why he'd think that though. Glad he has John there to help him.
Guest chapter 20 . 5/27/2017
Please update this soon
BlackFireWolf 5 chapter 20 . 4/2/2017
I just realized that I had been reading Daiva as diva, for 20 chapters. Also, great chapter can't wait for the next
Oceanlily chapter 19 . 1/24/2017
Great chapter!

To imagine Mycroft getting a cupcake every week at the same time made me smile!
By the way, I love the friendship between him and Rossi.

Are we going to find out about the mysterious note John found on Donovan in the next chapter?
And where's Sherlock? I missed him.

Oh and I also missed your updates.
Speaking of which... please update soon!

Oceanlily :-)
Tamuril2 chapter 19 . 1/21/2017
Yikes, that was a tad scary about Hotch. Thank goodness they caught it in time and it wasn't any worse.

Waaait, Mycroft gets a cupcake EVERY week at the SAME time? That's it, it's been poisoned. Rossi is poisoned. I call it. I would like everyone to know, I call it.

Where is Sherlock again? I've forgotten.
SeleneAlice chapter 18 . 11/18/2016
please update this story soon
Great i dea chapter 8 . 8/14/2016
To answer the question at the end of chapter 8, it is blatantly obvious that the unsub is attacking people close to Sherlock based on the first name correlation between the victims and the few people Sherlock keeps close. He is probably jealous of Sherlock having friends, which is why the hearts are cut out.

I have yet to read past chapter 8 and this is my theory.

Also, excellent story so far. It's nice to see how each character reacts to each other in a realistic sense.
Opinionated Asmodeus chapter 2 . 8/2/2016
It's a really good start, but not very credible for the FBI to be investigating off of American soil unless the victims were all Americans. I'll keep reading cause it's good, but I just wanted to point that out.
RoseJustice chapter 8 . 6/13/2016
Obvious. Being set up. The names and the parallels between all of the people and Sherlock, Mary, and John are enough to know that this is someone setting Sherlock up. I don't know who would do that, unless somehow Moriarty and Moran aren't actually dead...and why they're now focusing on Reid is a little strange...but if anyone else does, their names and lives will probably be similar to the other members of the BAU team...if it gets that far. Moriarty said he'd 'burn the heart out' of Sherlock. And all the bodies had the hearts cut out...this seems so obvious that the BAU team should've seen it immediately.
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