Reviews for Nostalgia
ZazamPOW chapter 1 . 10/8/2015
This story was brilliant. It hit all the correct emotions, kept Goku and Krillin completely in character and elaborated on the depth of their friendship in a more subtle way than Toriyama ever could. I have no major criticisms for this story, excellently written. What a mind boggling shame it is that this story isn't more popular, I suppose oh too few people are interested in Goku and Krillin together.
SilviaS7 chapter 1 . 10/11/2014
This was a lovely and sweet one shot about two friends reconnecting when life leads them in different directions. It was really great, and both Goku and Krillin were in character - I could hear their voices in their dialog. I'm sorry I don't have much of anything useful to say, other than you have a wonderful way of writing and expressing yourself without things becoming tedious or boring in the prose. Thanks for writing and sharing such a great little fic!
myself the dreamer chapter 1 . 7/17/2014
This is so good it almost made me cry out of nostalgia! Boy do I sure miss dragon ball too but it morphed into something beautiful and you captured that perfectly especially krillen!