Reviews for Project 43: Devil's Tears
Guest chapter 1 . 2/25/2018
Lets see if the leaf village can DUPLICATE YOUR STUPIDITY!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/25/2018
You realize that with radioactive nanites the soldiers would all be dying too right? And the scientists and anyone that wanted to examine the body, etc..etc.. Also if a NUCLEAR BLAST didn't kill mercer?(WHICH IT DIDN'T) Um radioactive ANYTHING is just gonna make him laugh! CONGRATULATIONS mankind has made the FIRST invincible, unstoppable, immortal and it has made it HATE THEM!
symbiote2254 chapter 5 . 11/28/2015
U got that from smosh the firetruck music video
david.teague.3950 chapter 4 . 11/7/2015
Not sure what to say about this story. I do have to ask a couple questions first off do you have any intention of having Naruto be OP(Over-Powered) or God-Like? If he's just to be OP then I have a couple suggestions for you the first: If Naruto is out during the Uchiha Massacre perhaps Naruto can find a dead Uchiha that has his or Her Sharingan Active. I mean since the Mercer Virus takes that which makes the infected Stronger Naruto can consume an Uchiha and gain their Sharingan, and possibly pass it on to his children. He can do the same to Haku, if Haku's a male that dies on the battle of the bridge like in canon...ooh I just got an interesting idea. First I need to know if you're familiar with Prototype 2, see in the RZ(Red Zone) there are these flying infected, well what if Naruto finds a couple injured hawks and injects them with the virus voila he's got a couple flyers that obey him explicitly, meaning they only eat animals not humans(since there's only two there wont be any flocks to turn a human into a corpse/skeleton), he can then send one to the Hokage during the wave mission explaining that when Kakashi asked what they thought Naruto had said dropping the mission would paint the village in a bad light so instead suggests that they send for reinforcements, Sasuke states(if he's to be bashed which is my personal hope since I started hating the jerk when he not only abandoned Konoha but tried killing Naruto twice)"Hn, with me on this team we don't need reinforcements Dobe". Sakura being the useless fan girl that she is immediately agrees with her eye candy, with the voting being 2-1 they continue on but Naruto who'd created a clone in secret leaves behind a scroll, brush and ink for it to write the message to the Hokage and requests for back up. Now it's up to you if you use this idea when you get there. Personally I'd suggest going with it then sending Team Gai/Guy while he is eccentric he's a helluva lot better Sensei than Kakashi.
david.teague.3950 chapter 3 . 11/7/2015
Super Sentai what is that the Japanese term for Power Rangers?
DMCDemonbaneFan chapter 4 . 10/1/2015
Requested crossover story that want you to write .

Note: This Crossover story will going in the path of actual realism( Not live action movie style or anything like that , the real actual thing , experienced in person / for example , someone was taken from our world that is , and then brought to another parallel multiverse where they gathered details on what they saw / or experienced , and then was teleported back our own world to tell everyone what that person saw / which I know this kind of thing would never happen ) on both respective worlds ( Universes) .

This story will be a crossover between Devil May Cry and Demonbane ( Anime version ) ( Both will have actual realistic feels to them )

The Main Pairing will strictly be Sparda( Still will be the same handsome guy he was / but look like the actual thing /like as if he were real ) x Nyarlathotep ( Looking like the real thing / Her face will still look as beautiful and gorgeous as it was in the original anime / but more real / plus her body structure will be very slightly altered / thighs will be a little bit thicker / chest size will be very slightly larger , and her skin , hair , and clothing will look real as well too) .

This story will be rated m for mature content ( Warnings Are : Lemons / Strong Language / Blood and gore , and disturbing content / very little of it )

Genre : Romance/Fantasy/Hurt - Comfort /

Main Characters:


Nyarlathotep ( Powers have been limited down to slightly only low multiverse level / except her immortality / which stays the same as is )

Dante ( Appears after they escape through the portal to the human world / Aka Fortuna City / Devil May Cry 4 Era / timeline )

Nero ( Same as Dante)

Trish ( Same as Dante )

Lady ( Same as Dante)

Kyrie ( Same as Dante )

Title : ( You can choose a title that would fit summary of the story that I am about to explain / tell you In details )

Summary ( Seen through Sparda's eyes / Warning its dark ) :

The pain was unbearable , my ears were ringing nonstop , my vison was so blurry I could barely make out any of my surroundings , blood trickled down my forehead , constant sweat poured down my body as the heat of hell itself blasted at my face , full force , my cloths were slightly torn , exposing a bit of my bare chest , my eyes were squinting and blinking constantly as I limped through the nightmarish caverns of the hellish realm , weaponless , all I could faintly hear was the horrifying sounds of demons shrieking , others were sharpening their claws , waiting patiently for their victim to fall into their trap , Deep inside my consciousness , I was absolutely terrified to the core , hoping that I wouldn't come face to face , with one of those horrible monstrous creatures ,

I could also feel as if my heart in my chest , was slightly pounding at a rapid pace ,

moments , later , after limping for so long , I was in the need to rest , that is until my heart suddenly felt as if it had suddenly stopped for a split second , it felt as if something , or someone , was grabbing , a , hold of me , the grip felt human , no doubt about it , then all I felt , and heard , before slipping into deep , unconsciousness , was the feeling as if I was being dragged across the floor , and a faint murmuring sound , saying , shh , handsome , everything is going to be alright , the voice , was that of a female , soothing my very broken soul ,with her , beautiful , yet , soft , caring , words , and then everything all went black to me .

And those are all the details on the crossover story .

To the author .

I request that do this crossover story ( Please )

Thank You :)

PS: Don't forget to read my review .
josh skinner chapter 3 . 2/13/2015
i hope you get over it soon cause this
story is getting good.
jbadillodavila chapter 3 . 12/26/2014
Chaks chapter 3 . 9/21/2014
Pdte soon!
randomer77 chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
uugh your summary, its one 'what if' after another, like so many other unoriginal summaries. its actually getting pretty pathetic all round.
ben revell chapter 2 . 8/1/2014
u have a very good start to this and I've enjoyed what I've read so far I do have some questions but I'm not sure if u will be able to answer them with out spoiling it so I'll write them in this and just answer what u can without giving out spoilers

1. will naruto be getting all of the powers u get from the games like the large sword arm, whip fist, armour, claw fingers ect

2. will u be following the naruto story as it happened or changing somethings (like being on a different team some people survive when in the series they die and vice versa)

3. will the movies be included in the story

4. can we vote or ask for people to be in the harem

and lastly 5. can we vote or ask for certain characters to die and how they die or be brought back to life
Guest chapter 1 . 7/28/2014
Can Hana and Tsume Inuzuka be in the harem?
DemonOfThePlains chapter 1 . 7/12/2014
blah... to boring of a first chapter... not a single thing to catch my attention. as such i wont add this to my follows for now. instead im going to ignore this story till you get to chapter 5 re read it then and hope you catch my intrest with the newer chapters... good luck!
SPark681 chapter 1 . 7/12/2014
Nice start gonna be cool to see how this progresses and what kind of powers Naruto may gain by having Tamashi sealed inside him along with Hinotama. Anyways keep up the great work!
Ddragon21 chapter 1 . 7/12/2014
awesome..I like prototype crossovers.
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