Reviews for The Opposite of Imperfection
xXRocketShark216Xx chapter 5 . 3/24
Okay, gotta be honest, I'm not liking this story so far.

I'm a huge SoMa fan and I love a good SoMa AU so I thougjt I'd give this one a try. I liked it at first and found the setup interesting but I'm just not a fan of Soul's portrayal so far. When he stole the necklace and used it to bait Maka into a date I thought it was a little iffy but figured I'd keep reading. Nothing super wrong about that, Soul is kinda unconventional like that. But then when he tried to cop a feel and then stole her keys to blackmail her into another date in this sorry but fuck this version of Soul.

This isn't a badly written story, I actually quite liked certain parts of it, but the way Soul is being written just doesn't work for me. Feels kinda OOC and Ik you're hinting at him being some kind of abuse victim with the hill and the comment Tsubaki made about him looking really sore, but I still don't like the way he's treating Maka thus far.
Hazel chapter 13 . 2/19
Hello! I hope you continue and finish this. It's pulled at my hear strings and I'm dying to know how it ends. This story has brought out a lot of emotions from me. Please continue! Thank you!
lisaluu chapter 12 . 2/9
Oh God, this is so addicting! it's so good it makes me want scream because I dont have another chapter yet!
StephyLyanne chapter 12 . 2/1
I love the build up! I’m so excited to see where it goes from here. Thank you for another great update! I love the story and am so excited for more.
StephyLyanne chapter 11 . 1/26
I have been waiting for an update for this for so long and when I got the email earlier this week that it had been updated I practically cried! I love the latest chapter and I hope you keep going please! I need to know where their story ends up and what Soul does when he’s not with Maka. I just really hope you keep updating this fic as it is one of my favorites and I love it so much. Hope to hear from you soon!
DustinStrayver1315 chapter 10 . 4/15/2019
So I know this story was been left for a while. I had read this about two years ago a little after the last update and loved it. After that I had moved to other stories, however I had never forgotten this particular one. I moved over to AO3 (your story is one of the only reasons I come back to fan fiction) and whenever I went on a Soul Eater binge this was on the list to reread. This will mark my fourth time reading it and every time I have been floored with how captivating it is. Every time I find myself reading it it has to be done in one session almost. You really do a good job of writing the characters in these situations. I have always been hoping it would update and we could get some more info on Soul’s life. I really feel there is a heart wrenching story there. Again you have done an amazing job with this story so far and regardless if updated or not I will probably continue to read it everytime I decide to binge this fandom. Thank you for writing such incredible and very enjoyable story.
Guest chapter 10 . 11/27/2018
Please put up more chapters! I’m hooked!
AnimeForever69 chapter 10 . 1/4/2018
Please update this soon. I am wrapped up in this book and I want to know what happens next.
Atreides03 chapter 10 . 1/1/2018
Wow! This story is amazing! Keep writing!
Guest chapter 10 . 10/31/2017
I’ve been sitting on this and rereading it for three weeks, I hope you work on it more soon. This is so good, great job!
StephyLyanne chapter 1 . 10/30/2017
Please update soon! I've been dying by for the next chapter, this is one of my favorite SoMa's.
Kou chapter 10 . 10/14/2017
You’re an amazing writer and I think this is my new favorite thing. Thank you.
RM's-Dark.Soul chapter 10 . 10/12/2017
Love it!
9YearsOfMaka chapter 10 . 10/11/2017
Oh my ghad! An update! Thank you so much! You just made my day! I love how you dressed Maka up and praised her godly features! I mean seriously, she's always degraded! Anyways the chapter is great, the same giddy feeling never stopped until I finish it. I love the humor and the witty comebacks! I can't wait for more! One question though, so they didn't really paid for the clothes and the back pack? Hmmm... Well whatever. I'll be waiting for the next installment!
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