Reviews for after the sunshine of my life betrayed me
Ms. Sincerity chapter 1 . 5/10/2017
This is an interesting look on things. I commend you for capturing the members of Team Taka in prison. I've always thought Juugo had more patience than that, but we all have our limits right?

This little fic is something I can really appreciate, but you have left me wanting more.
sangi chapter 1 . 2/24/2015
This was a really hilarious look at the time while in prison. Poor Juugo, I can almost feel bad for him. And I loved the scenes with Karin and Sakura. You have to admire Karin's determination. This was a very interesting character study that catches them at an interesting time. Thank you for sharing with us.
Sherry Belmont chapter 1 . 11/30/2014
This is exactly the kind of plotless fic I can appreciate. Like, it paints a picture of the waiting in between the scenes that actually make it to manga chapters and anime episodes. Present tense is perfect for this. I am slightly confused with the logistics of what Karin is doing to/with her glasses, but that's a small detail. I like your writing a lot.