Reviews for Star Wolf: Declassified
Swedguy97 chapter 3 . 1/22/2016
Definitely a nice read! I suggest you write backstories for Andrew and Pigma as well, maybe even Algy? :D
ye chapter 3 . 8/24/2014
hell yeah ur writing is tight
Beasts of the Unknowns chapter 1 . 8/9/2014
This is funny to me mainly because on the same day of me sending this I imagined a partially similar backstory to Panther. Honestly I've always felt Panther had more to him than just being a sweet-talker with a rose, or whatever is a good description for him.

What you have going here has me thinking of LeBlanc from League of Legends in a way. I'm not going to talk about her though. I found the writing and the narritive solid and it leaves me wondering and imagining a bit...

I'm sorry I'm just not much for critical reviews.
123455431 chapter 3 . 8/9/2014
And here comes the rival of McCloud, Declassified in full light.

Three accounts, one team. This in my opinion is a fan's solution to Nintendo's failure to give the full story of the rival team, an impressive feat if you ask me. Wolf's story is the classic scenario of parent's not showing true love to their own son, focusing on his errors than capabilities, and fulfilling the role of a parent in general. So there's a spin of reality, given that stuff like this happens. Honestly, it's a culture shock for me, given that respect to parents is a big virtue, but you're the author so I can't complain.

In closing, the story has at least shed light on the three shady characters of the franchise, where a turn of events led to the outcome that is Star Wolf. A panther that is derailing from what his race is known for, a chameleon seeking revenge and a wolf longing for a fatherly love. Kudos to you, and may you continue to serve up more stories in the future.
M el Lunatico chapter 3 . 8/8/2014
the truth thing is that nintendo never explain it clear what the heck did Wolf had to do with James McCloud apparent death, only a rumor in the manga, I like how you portray him here, not much for his high society origins, but the relationship teacher/student with James that rooted the rivality with Fox, how is so determinated to prove that he is the superior, and that just because he is a dangerous scoundrel that does not mean he cannot be a good leader and a team player.
M el Lunatico chapter 2 . 8/8/2014
Many times I wonder why Leon is always so obsessed with attacking Falco, and this may explain it, in some psychotic way. He maybe is not very consistent from a game to other, but his loyalty to Wolf is the only that has endure his crazyness.
M el Lunatico chapter 1 . 8/8/2014
Lol, pretty good way to give Panther a romanticism background, I like it what you had write as you said is easly the most mysterious of the Star Wolf team, it reminds to the film "The Mask of Zorro" and the animated series "El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera", and also one of my favourite characters of books Arsène Lupin, the gentleman thief.

p.d: I think you can made a really good letter with Pigma, but to whom the old swine could have write about himself, that is a hard question as he is easy the most despicable character of the series.
123455431 chapter 2 . 7/24/2014
Ah... the classical Leon exposed. I'd never thought one would have the will to write about this very "unstable" character. At least, in my opinion.

Moving on, the realism of how you unlocked the bitter rivalry between him and Falco is very important, especially to newcomers who'd want to know what went wrong. That's a start for you so keep it up. Secondly, your attempt to make it as Leon-like as you could helped in a way, but I guess a few grammar-conscious blokes would find it mildly annoying. And third, the way you connect the previous letter to this one; of how he gave his sentiments on Panther and adding that bridge between the teammates as a whole.

In the end, it's nice to see the coin flip about Leon's personality, that it took years of interlocking events to mold the chameleon we've come to know and either despise or like. Hope to see your next update mate.
123455431 chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
The way that you were able to shed at least some light on this shady character is quite admirable so to speak. I guess with the given fact that Panther is a new addition to the franchise, not a lot is known about him.

I commend you greatly on giving effort to think beyond the norms about Panther, without adding the prejudice that surrounds him in the community. I also took note of your strategy for explaining the characters in future chapters. The idea itself and the way you deliver it is fresh and unique, something the community needs every now and then.

In closing, it's nice to see newcomers deliver something worthwhile and a bit... creative in its own respect. I hope you continue this, because this one is a keeper.
Mild Heartache chapter 1 . 7/18/2014
Now this is interesting.

Panther, being one of the most enigmatic characters in the relatively story-light franchise, always struck me as odd... And now I know why. Choosing to make Panther Caroso a title, rather than a personal name, was clever. And, believe it or not, makes sense in a cosmic sort of way.

Other than that, the grammar was spot-on, and there weren't any typos to speak of (excluding the minor error before the chapter itself). I swear... Give me something to criticize; give me a reason!

Anyhow, great work so far!
Order and Chaos - Qui Iudicant chapter 1 . 7/17/2014
I am amazed at this. I never quite looked at Panther in that way before, being just one in a long line from other "Panthers". This actually makes sense and could fit into the game canon (of course, Star Fox isn't a game chock-full of story like the Star Wars games or Halo, but hey, that is what fanfic is for). By all means continue this series. I've read another collection of oneshots that does a take on each of the Star Fox cast (or most of them, anyway), but even that guy never did something quite like this with Panther.

As it happens, I am one of those few people who actually like Panther, after Krystal of course. The reason? Simply because we do not know as much about them as we do the rest of the cast - okay, well that may be a stretch, since Krystal is one of the most frequently written characters in this archive, and the others not so much unless you count Fox as her "lover-boy". You have done something unique and unexpected with a character we do not know much about, adding your own twist to him.

I cannot wait to see what uniqueness you come up with for the rest of Team Star Wolf, so keep writing.


Now I sound like a moony-eyed fangirl here, so my apologies. Critiques, critiques... Nothing. Nothing insofar as grammar, spelling or glaring errors or breaks in sentences or exclusions of material or stuff like that. Five stars to you - hold it right there, I think I found one. At the top of this chapter, you write "I wanted to make some one-shots for each team member(,) in a letter format". That is a break in the sentence and it leaves the reader trailing in mid-sentences. Can you imagine saying to someone "I went to, the store yesterday"? Same thing happens here. :)

Cherrio! and hope to see more from you in this archive. (P.S., still 5 stars, even with that minor error.)