Reviews for You Hold My Heart In Your Paws
Shadeofblue chapter 10 . 9/27/2015
Eh...I can't believe there's only two more chapters left lol. I want Naruto to make up for the hurt he has caused. I still can't forgive the fact that he actually cheated and ENJOYED his time with Neji lol. And now he's constantly crying which is quite annoying because he's the one at fault lol. I hope Sasuke won't recall his memories since it would just cause him more pain to remember the way Naruto had been in bed with Neji and how badly he has hurt him. Anyway I can't wait to see how you'll end this.
Guest chapter 10 . 9/27/2015
Naruto crying every second line is kinda annoying. Why is his character so weak? Sounds more like yes feeling sorry for himself rather than thinking about sasuke/ how to get sasuke back.

I liked that you didn't go down the -he lost his memory so everything that happened was erased root- make your story more original.
Guest chapter 9 . 8/22/2015
Paraplegic? 20% chance of survival "at best"? Oh Sasuke no :(

I was really worried when it turned out that Sasuke had amnesia. I thought it would work in Naruto's favor. After all, he could pretend that nothing happened between them and worm his way back into Sasuke's life. It was a relief when Itachi found out the truth and went into big brother mode. Good riddance, Naruto. Don't let the door hit you in the behind on the way out.

I truly don't hate Naruto, I just hate him with Sasuke. He can cry and say he "didn't mean" to do what he did, that he doesn't know why he went along with the affair, but that's BS. He slept with Neji every day for six months, that's 180 times that he "didn't mean" to have sex with another person. Whoops!

And now, Sasuke's life has been permanently affected by Naruto's actions. That is, if he even survives. Naruto and Sasuke can both get new boyfriends, but Sasuke can't get a new fucking spine (if he indeed turns out to be a paraplegic) or a new brain (if his brain damage is permanent). Naruto's tears and regrets, or his self-pity over being all alone, don't make up for any of this. Actions have consequences and the consequences Naruto needs to face is to lose Sasuke forever.

I think anyone pitying Naruto should ask themselves if they would still feel the same way if the situation was reversed and Sasuke had been fucking Sakura everyday for the past six months. Would those people still be hoping Naruto would take Sasuke back, or would they be begging you to dump Sasuke and write Naruto a new love interest?

Naruto just needs to fix himself, figure out why he did what he did, and then do the right thing, the UNSELFISH thing (contrary to all the selfish things he's done in this fic), and let Sasuke go.
tiki chapter 9 . 8/21/2015
I truly feel sorry for naruto, even though he made a poor choice of cheating on sasuke.
I can't wait for the next chapter.
Ooey-Gooey Senpai chapter 9 . 8/21/2015
Noo this is soo unfair! For Naruto and Sasuke both! This is a little too much for me :'(
Ano-chan chapter 9 . 8/21/2015
please... let them be together again
coolseal9 chapter 9 . 8/21/2015
This chapter made my heart stop. Just wow. The intensity, the drama, it was amazing! Great chapter.
Guest chapter 9 . 8/21/2015
I ca view it now! Oh man, things are taking an unexpected turn. I was really hoping Sasuke wouldn't have amnesia though. I couldn't tell if this was permanent or not.
Guest chapter 8 . 8/21/2015
I can't view your new chapter :( says its not available
Shadeofblue chapter 9 . 8/21/2015
I'm confused? One moment Sasuke is in a coma and the next he's able to answer their questions...? And I can't believe Sasuke only has 20% of survival argh. He really didn't deserve this. Also I don't believe Naruto didn't mean to do it. Probably the first time is forgivable since he was drunk, but for 6 months straight? No way in hell lol. He even got the cheek to cheat on their anniversary! And he knew Sasuke was coming later but he still got Neji to come over for a quick round? Lol. Reading this always makes me so mad at Naruto omg. I can't forgive him. Neji and him ought to stay together since they're both selfish people and they have great sex together anyway argh.
Shane chapter 8 . 8/19/2015
The only way Naruto can try to atone for this is to take care of Sasuke as a friend. I really hope Sasuke is all right and it would serve Naruto right if Sasuke forgot completely about his love for him.
cary99 chapter 8 . 8/16/2015
Interesting chapter
Shadeofblue chapter 8 . 8/16/2015
To be honest I have no idea how they will get their happy ending from this? Sasuke obviously saw how much pleasure Naruto got from Neji, and it's definitely a huge blow to his ego. The way he mentioned how Naruto has never made those faces when they had sex and Sasuke is supposedly the love of his life? Plus Naruto even shouted that he loved Neji. That was the ultimate betrayal. Worst part was he was even worried he would get caught like what? He's engaging this thing with Neji because Sasuke doesn't shower him enough attention but on the day that Sasuke is going to come back, he's doing this with Neji? He wasn't even guilty, he was guilty because he got caught. Since Neji could give him so much pleasure in bed, he should have stayed with him lol. Sorry but I really can't bring myself to like Naruto AT ALL. I actually feel like he deserved this lol. He KNEW how much Sasuke hated Neji too. This is literally the worst way to break Sasuke, he knew it but he did it anyway. I actually hope Sasuke doesn't forgive him argh and how can Neji get away with this shit seriously. Naruto has too much issues himself and he honestly needs some help before he can even consider to go beg for Sasuke's forgiveness. So far it doesn't look like it'll have a happy ending, but my SasuNaru heart wants to see them happy. So I'm curious how you'll finish this.
Guest chapter 8 . 8/16/2015
I feel bad for Naruto being injured, but I still don't want a SasuNaru reunion. Naruto has issues. Major ones. His neediness, insecurity, and selfishness haven't been cured by this incident, and they won't be cured by a reunion. Neji turned out to be a terrible person, so Naruto learned his lesson about cheating, but all the underlying issues that caused him to cheat in the first place are still there. What I'm saying is, if Naruto and Sasuke get back together, Naruto won't cheat on him again because he's learned his lesson about that, but he's still going to be needy, insecure, and selfish. They will eventually have more problems because of Naruto's issues. Maybe not infidelity, but Naruto will probably act out in some other way that will cause them problems. The only way to fix this is for Naruto to fix himself first, and that is going to take A LOT of hard work.

But even more than that, I don't want a reunion because Naruto's crime was simply too great. He slept with another person EVERY DAY for the past six months! That's a hell of a lot of lying and betrayal. Even worse, the person he chose to sleep with was Sasuke's worst enemy. And perhaps worst of all, the affair wasn't just about sex. Naruto actually started to have feelings for Neji. So in the end, Sasuke was betrayed in every possible way imaginable by this affair.

And as if all of that wasn't enough, back in chapter 3, Sasuke drove his car off the road because of how traumatized he was over catching Naruto with another man. I don't know what you have planned, but the injuries Sasuke has just sustained are surely much worse than the ones Naruto got from Neji. Supposing he ends up a paraplegic or worse? The idea that he'd go back to the person who indirectly caused his injuries is really troubling to me. Even if Naruto tries to make up for it by becoming Sasuke's nursemaid, there's no way it could be a healthy relationship after everything that's happened. When trust has been broken to this extent, there's no coming back from it. Trust takes years to build, seconds to destroy, and decades to repair.
Chi chapter 8 . 8/16/2015
Almost jumped in joy at seeing an update! Missed this story haha.

Part of me feels sorry for Naruto in regards to torment from Neji, but most part of me is like meh you deserve it.
Quite happy that Neji is leaving.

Wonder what's happening on Sasukes end.

Shall enjoy a meeting of Sasuke and Naruto again. Hope they don't get back together willy nilly if at all.

Will the rest of the Uchihas feature?

Look forward to next months update :)
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