Reviews for in another life i may be happy
Eddi Delaney chapter 5 . 7/15/2006
See the button under the enter key? You hold it down whilst pressing the key corresponding to what you wish to appear on the screen capitalized. And the one beneath letters V, B, N, and M? That's the space bar. After dialogue and after commas, you use that one. Mmyep, pretty sweet buttons if I do say so myself. If you don't use a beta, how about rewriting some o' this only using those two handy modifiers of text? People like easy to read stuff, because most people (me included) are sickeningly lazy or hyped up on 12 cups of a caffinated liquid substance. And no, this isn't a flame, it's a reminder of the existance of two underused keys that are vital to success. Thanks for writing this story. !~Kalila teh Mae
Eddi Delaney chapter 3 . 7/15/2006
'salright if it's short, and I get what you mean about coherency. Damn, I said no more helpful reviews... oh well. Keep goin', eh Dusky?
Eddi Delaney chapter 2 . 7/15/2006
*pokes next chapter button* You've got meh hooked, Anthy Dusky. Don't expect helpful reviews, I only do that first chapter. _
Eddi Delaney chapter 1 . 7/15/2006
... hm. The story is very good, but the grammar is questionable. It may get better later for all I know, but if it doesn't, I wholeheartedly recommend having my friend jgc123 beta it for you, or at least fix the capitalizations. Her email is and she has a fanfiction account.
Amadelia chapter 5 . 2/2/2003
ryn, did i ever tell you that i love you? lol i really enjoyed the ending, great imagery!cu 2morrow, and i heart thou!
Karasu Koneko chapter 5 . 1/27/2003
Awww, poor Todd. Keep writin'! This ish good stuff!
LittleMaggie chapter 5 . 1/26/2003
You should write a sequel! I'm adding your story to my favorites list, because I think it was definetaly one of the better-written stories I've ever read.

Oh my, I think I'm being so very praiseful today! But trust me, it's a really good story. I'd like to see more. Perhaps Todd and Jopie having a child? Perhaps some sort of happy awakening that will give Todd a second chance to prove that there is such a thing as a good childhood?


I like it.
LittleMaggie chapter 4 . 1/26/2003
YES! He finally opened up and admitted that he was escaping his pain through physical cutting. I have never felt such a relief before while reading a fanfiction. This is a truly good story!
LittleMaggie chapter 3 . 1/26/2003
I really like the fact your chapters are short ,believe it or not. I prefer it that way. A long, messy story is much worse than many short and quite disturbingly thruthful chapters. I like it :-)
LittleMaggie chapter 2 . 1/26/2003
Poor Jopie... :-( I hope Squee somehow evens out his thoughts and feelings ... quite tragic.
LittleMaggie chapter 1 . 1/26/2003
Hey that was AWESOME! Great first chapter, a very emotional story, and of course, it's disturbingly true to Squee's character. Squee is so loved by many readers, yet there are few who think of him other than a source for endless comedy. Excellent fic, good portrayal... on to the next chapter!
nny777slavelabor chapter 4 . 1/7/2003
ooo please tell me this isnt the end, please! update as soon as posible if that isnt a problem. i need more now!

hello tharrr chapter 4 . 12/25/2002
Cool more some reason at the beginnintg I thought that Squee was going to walk in Nny's footsteps and kill sadly I'm soon!...please?

Thinking Squee is the best,

Nare Serce chapter 4 . 12/18/2002
Beautiful story, truth be told, I can not wait for more
J. Bird chapter 2 . 11/29/2002
*sniff* It's so sad, but it's so good. Write more!
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