Reviews for Tales of an Empty Bottle
GummyDrive chapter 1 . 1/7/2016
This is gold. LOL. Jude finally got to smooch Milla in the end! Hahahaha
Kuroiikawa chapter 1 . 2/19/2015
The entertainment I got from this was fantastic. I just got Tales of Xillia and I've nearly beaten it. Honestly, there isn't enough Jude/Milla in this world to satisfy me, but the humor wrought from this was nearly enough to fill that void. Thanks for the great read.
Parodychick chapter 1 . 7/23/2014
So cute! XD
TheAnime4Fan chapter 1 . 7/21/2014
Oh that was a lot of bad luck for Jude before it comes to an happy end for him lol
Good OS, even it was somtimes a bit too crazy fore me xD Good work!
Presea chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
This was actually pretty funny. I can't help thinking it would have been hilarious if Wingul also had to kiss Leia and Agria too! Good work.
lazycat66 chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
Now that what I call fan service (fanfiction mode)! D
I don't even know why one was my favorite...
The first real kiss in the game, by Gaius/Wingul;
The Jude/Leia awkwardness, and then the Alvin/Leia... god, that one melted my heart... and face... lol;
And then Alvin/Presa! I was waiting for that one too. All the one's with Presa were pretty good. And with Gaius too (Gaius/Presa, oh my!)
And Wingul got slapped! xD Poor Wingul... (And Wingul/Elize, awww)

I kinda wish Ivar was there too. But poor Jude would have to kiss him for sure, with is rotten luck xD I can almost see it, Ivar would be lucky enough to just get girls, except when it comes to Milla, he'd actually get Jude. Ahahaha

That's for this, it was fun to read and picture it in my mind!
Nameless Knight chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
I never knew how much I wanted this until it showed up. I don't squick easy so don't worry about that hahaha.

Jude's increasing exasperation with everyone going before him in kissing Milla was hilarious. Especially the ones he actually enjoyed watching anyway haha.