Reviews for The Charming Type I - Underneath the Beauty
Ritzyblue chapter 12 . 3/9/2017
"We're in an anime they can do whatever they want". Best line ever!
Ritzyblue chapter 4 . 3/8/2017
I finally know what a pitcher is. After watch the show nearly a hundred time. Thank you so much
UnconventionalPsyche chapter 8 . 8/5/2016
kyoya is pissing me off, i really want to know what happened between them
UnconventionalPsyche chapter 5 . 8/5/2016
love the hikarin scenes
MissMystic95 chapter 16 . 2/28/2016
All I can say is wow! I was wondering how you would work Rin and Ren into this episode and you did an amazing job! I loved the way you changed it to be a path of forgiveness between Rin and Kyoya instead of revealing feelings Hikaru had for Haruhi. Well done! I love your story :)
Valaeriya chapter 26 . 2/21/2016
Oh my god, I'm such a fan girl. I cried when I watched the last episode. I also almost cried when I read this chapter. I am seriously in love with this story. Rikaru for life~! 3 I ship it like Fed-Ex. XD I would absolutely love to see some kind of spin-off to this story with Rin and Hikaru. I know you finished this story already, (like 2 years ago) and I am really happy with how it ended. You completed it on my birthday in 2014, so that came as a surprise to me.
Oh god, I'm rambling now.
Anyways, I have enjoyed reading this story, and it has made me laugh and cry (sometimes at the same time). I am going to miss not reading it. ;-;
Okay, bye. 3 :')
Natalie chapter 26 . 2/8/2016
Can you do a sequel and see if you can do a lemon one between Rin and hikaru
Guest chapter 1 . 11/7/2015
First chapter and all I can notice was the fact that it was pure dialogue. If your story only contains dialogue, how will you create a story that runs through the reader's mind? A vivid and fluid picture? Without description and such, your entire story falls apart. But you have some good dialogue in the least, along with a good sense in grammar and spelling. I was looking for a good read, and though I've only read the first chapter (skimmed it after seeing so many dialogue tags and little paragraphs with any active voice or description) I probably won't read it much further. And I understand that your story is complete, meaning you won't be fixing or changing it or updating it, I hope you take me comment as constructive criticism. I don't mean to bite, but I hope to help build a future writer.
angeltrod519644 chapter 26 . 1/13/2015
Loved every chapters in this story!
Lavendor Queen chapter 26 . 12/8/2014
This is so beautiful... It nearly brings me to tears!
Guest chapter 26 . 11/14/2014
THANK YOU! I am glad that you stuck to it and made such a captivating t
wist on the original anime. It has been a wonderful story to read.
Guest chapter 25 . 11/13/2014
I can't wait for the final chapter(s)!
Anime-Geek and Nerd Lord chapter 26 . 11/14/2014
killjarkidranger chapter 26 . 11/14/2014
That was an amazing ending to an amazing story! I'm so excited to see what you write next!
AndyIsHellaGay chapter 26 . 11/14/2014
Eclair is a type of pudding...anywho it was good but Ren didn't dance with the girls!
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