Reviews for The Paths Less Chossen
Meg chapter 7 . 5/3/2016
I still check this story for an update every few months. It makes me sad that it has not been updated in such a long time. Please don't drop this story!
Guest chapter 7 . 5/22/2015
This is such a fantastic story. Please update! I really want to see where to take the story to next.
Ranmaleopard chapter 7 . 10/19/2014
This is really awesome I can't wait for more!
hhrforever chapter 7 . 9/3/2014
Good cliff hanger. I hope to see more Harry/Hermione moments. I'm kind of surprised that she was afraid of him but she wasn't sure of what he was capable of.
sortofbored chapter 7 . 9/2/2014
meldz chapter 7 . 9/2/2014
i'm so glad i stumbled in your story. at first i was pissed of at Harry for the way he is treating Hermione. i guess it proved the saying "you don't know what you got till it's gone" for both of them. Harry did moved on but in a not so good way(?). i think some part of him was still stuck five years ago unlike the rest. Hermione was also in the wrong for not at least sending a friggin postcard to her friends. i mean she can still excel in what she want while still maintaining a bit of connection to her old life. I think that Hermione belittled her importance in Harry's life because she saw that she was just one being compared to the Weasleys, also believing that Harry will eventually end up with Ginny so there will be a lot of people that can and will replace her in his life. Well that blew up in her face. But do you think if Hermione had stayed in Magical Britain, she would still be able to achieve what she is now, also Harry? i'm a Hermione centric fan so i want a powerful Hermione. is it ok that i picture Sydney Bristow as Hermione? i do hope that Hermione did not reveal all her skills in the dueling tournament. i also love that you included Martial arts when h&hr dueled but i was hoping it was Tai Chi style for hermione, zen and all (Jet Li 4ever). can't wait for your next update. are you sure there will be Romance in this Story? i'm such a girl but i got a bit misty eyed at the beginning of their duel when Hermione actually feared harry.
meldz chapter 4 . 9/2/2014
this is intense.
jslee102 chapter 7 . 9/2/2014
This has definitely taken a harry centric POV. I would like more Hermione's view. I am amazed that people are defending Hermione's initial decision in chapter 1,and her subsequent decision to cut everyone out.
werevampluvr chapter 7 . 9/1/2014
Oh snap! Poor Harry and Hermione. They need to get it together and make-up!
anotherboarduser chapter 7 . 9/1/2014
It is interesting chapter, I like the fight scene a lot.

But I think having Harry and Hermione fighting against each other in the final would be better.
starboy454 chapter 7 . 9/1/2014
excellent update
pawsrule chapter 7 . 9/1/2014
Interesting cliffie! Keep up the good work.
Ophelia Joane chapter 7 . 9/1/2014
I love this story and the only constructive (I hope!) criticism I can give is for a bit more dialogue. However, I can't tell if it's just to give more background and detail into the scenes, but throughout the story I've noticed the lack of characters speaking. Not saying they aren't, just saying I wish to see more.

But this is your story so you have your own artistic spin to writing, I'm only speaking from personal taste.

I really love this story and how it's so much more different than any other Harmony fics. Great job!
GinsengH chapter 1 . 9/1/2014
Chapter 1: The reasoning for Hermione leaving was pretty weak. The idea itself does not really fit her character, and her defense of the decision was not on a level you would expect from such an intelligent girl. The plot sounds promising so I decided to continue on.

Chapter 2: First off, the spelling and grammar are bad. I don't know if english is not your first language, but it is not readable at points. The spelling is less noticeable than the grammar which sometimes has multiple mistakes in the same sentence. I understand mistakes happen so I am not usually critical of spelling/grammar mistakes unless they just really get out of hand, and in this instance they are.

We see that Harry is a member of the DoM, and an unspeakable. While Harry Potter lore leaves many of the tasks involved in the DoM a mystery, go figure, it is at least implied that the job functions are no where near what you have described in this chapter. Harry is acting more like an Auror than a researcher (the DoM is implied to be focused on research of various magics). It is not my intent to be a lore nazi, but it also does not make sense to just blatantly disregard aspects of the universe you are writing about.

Your story becomes further complicated by having Harry tasked with showing a hit-wizard the depths of the ministry. While it is understandable that a transfer would get a tour of the Ministry of Magic, the Department of Mysteries is at the highest level of confidentiality. Why would an unspeakable, as the name implies, like Harry have the task of showing someone around?

The final and terribly damaging part of this chapter comes from Harry himself. He is so incredibly out of character it is hard to picture this being the same Harry Potter from the books, and with no "OOC" warning in the summary I find this quite disappointing. Your Harry is a disrespectful, showoff, womanizing, narcissist. People do change over the course of their lives, but this is a complete reversal of his persona.

It was not my intent to be so critical. I wrote this as I read through the first two chapters though, and this story has some serious issues. There are just too many questions that I, as a reader, am left asking that have nothing to do with the plot but simply the justification for the various plot devices you have created so far.
ralula chapter 6 . 8/28/2014
Different but a good different perspective. I really like the liquor guzzling Harry who still has wherewithal to "kick-ass," and take names!
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