Reviews for Dances With Lieutenants
QueenWhiteDiamond chapter 1 . 10/30/2014
Great more please
SassyRaydorGirl chapter 1 . 7/31/2014
Aww that was soooo good...this was brilliant :)
NobodyRelevant chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
So I've read this like 3-4 times since you posted it, but just realized I hadn't reviewed it to tell you how much I absolutely love it! These two are probably the least likely canon-pairing, but yet you write them together so well, to the point I could totally see them happening this way. :)

Also - I really liked the line about Sharon being somewhat guilty/awkward feeling when Rusty asked about the wine. Her character really does seem like the type who would avoid putting herself under the influence of any kind of substance, especially while Rusty is living with her out of sensitivity to what he's been through. That's totally a Sharon thing. And it would totally be a Provenza thing to sense that and take some of the "blame" off her.
typewriterandtea chapter 1 . 7/29/2014
This has left a really goofy smile on my face! I think dancing barefoot in Sharon's living room really is something that she and Provenza would do.
akachankami1 chapter 1 . 7/29/2014
Squeeee! I love it!