Reviews for Plaything
aniki19 chapter 1 . 7/31/2014
Dear jamietyler,
You have never disappoint me with the way you have with words in your stories. That being said,I will stop being so formal now.

*Takes a deep breath*
Omg...words have left me! Do you really need to know how much i like this story?!
A jesse whump story with a psychopath bent on tormenting, torturing, hurting, abusing and generally doing what we, who secretly adore jesse (but still want him hurt bad...really bad) would love to do! What's there not to like?!

*Sents jamietyler cookies and m&ms*

Thank you for still "loving" jesse that way! You made my week.
agd888 chapter 1 . 7/29/2014
good story, I like the pairing, always have.