Reviews for No Reason
Demdrops chapter 9 . 9/8
oh man, this is getting good I am glad you did decided to continue this great story.
James Birdsong chapter 9 . 9/5
Good chapter!
Guest chapter 9 . 9/4
Yikes, Nyamo is screwed.
aoaoaoaoaoaoa chapter 8 . 9/4
i think this fanfic is fantastic but i have a question for the author
do you plan on continuing this?
James Birdsong chapter 8 . 8/28
Good two chapters
Guest chapter 1 . 8/1
I’ve been waiting for this to update for YEARS. I’m so happy.
LightSpecter141 chapter 7 . 7/29
You updating again makes me nostalgic to my first days on this site. Please, keep updating!
i8G1D chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Veri n1c3VjHst0rieT
SKSKl chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
Veri n1c3Qqfst0riiy
Demdrops chapter 6 . 9/2/2018
Please finish this story, so good...
Demdrops chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
So sad rip Tomo.
Z chapter 6 . 10/26/2017
Great fic, hope to see way more of it soon! :)
James Birdsong chapter 6 . 3/21/2017
So cool obviously
JohnnyPhuc chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
Hi I'm a very witty older gay male named Johnny Phuc and my hobby is to give critisicm to "Fan Fiction" on "Fan Doms" from a Marxist perspective. Please don't take the critisicm personally. Please note English is not my fist language.

To start with why is your story so apatethic to the Fight of Us Gays against oppression? Unless you challenge burgeos norms with your Writing there is No Point to writing in first place. Then it is that you only Reinforce the Oligarchy with your burgeos Pontificating (sp?) as if Reading the Party Line out loud. But as a Creative Worker it is your Responsibility to assist the Revolution by providing Novel, and Thought Full criticisms of our capitalism obsessed con temporary times. According to the theories of the late Thedor Adorno the creative Laborer can do this by exposes the Inherent Contractions inherent in Mass Capitalist Society and by identifying as the Cause of Opression the Hegemony of Reactionary Thinking within the Dominant Pattern of Social Discourse can he Attack the ways which Workers have their rights deprived by White Males at all time...!

This is why you must also incorporate a more pro-LGBT theme in Your Work. Please Allow me to suggest that you use the Theme of Suicide here depicted in the form of "Tomo" (thats a retarded name btw) taking suicide as the result of internalised oppression due to a cultural paradigm that Privileges Heteronromative Ways of Assigning Labor Value to the Body. Unless you did not read Thedor Adorno this means that Society implicitly push the Men into Roles of Provider and Protecter due to the Inherent Value of Assigning such a Role to Members. The Division of Labour is only one of many ways for the Capitalists to exploit the Working Classes and it functions very Well as evinced by Your Purple Prose. If You hadnt been an "Anime" fan (btw "Anime" is from Japan a very Reactionary and Imperialistic nation, and you must remember that You Are the Media that You Consume so by liking Reactionary media You are Deeply Reactionary) you might have read some Real Books instead and under stood why exploitation of the working class by the Lesiure Classes is the greatest Evil in this age which is the Least Humane of all Ages except for the Industrial Revolution. But instead you watch "Anime" so you let the Burgeos delude you with Circus and Bread! But you can stop watch "Anime" and instead wake up to the Reality of First Wordlism and the Hatred of Gays that Reactionary Capitalist Burgeos Writers feel and Infuse your Work with the Great Socialist Narrative.
James Birdsong chapter 5 . 9/22/2015
Good five chapters
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