Reviews for Love in the Darkest Hour
Kreshi chapter 5 . 10/13/2018
Really enjoying the story so far! Can’t wait to see where it goes! :)
ih9RC chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
Veri n1c3x7wst0risX
Brooklynhills chapter 5 . 9/2/2018
Please continue!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/29/2018
This story is somewhat disappointing, and here are my reasons:
1) waiting for so many years for a new chapter is frustrating, even more so if the chapter is short and does not contribute much. everything written above is almost traced from book 1 / show season 1, just adding Jon there no more. then wait months, to read another chapter even shorter where nothing has changed. nothing advances, everything remains stagnant. What kind of story do you expect to tell anyway? A repetition of the Daenerys bow with Jon included, but without George Martin's mastery? that's embarrassing.
2) Is this a genuine story of Jon and Dany? Are they a romantic couple? because it is clear at this point that they are not. and a few Jonerys fans want to read Dohtraki's bow again, with that shit called Drogo. have to put up with Daenerys being raped again and again every night. Well here is that we do not have to read that shit of Drogo appear so much, but if we have to read the "infatuation" of Daenerys with its grabber, it is preferable that you remove the labels of Jon / Dany, because it is NOT a story of JonxDany . we do not have to read how Daenerys falls in love with her rapist. a slave bastard, plunderer of towns, murderers of women and children, rapist, slaver and other monstrosities that he encourages. we do not have to read how Daenerys falls for someone like him, and leaves Jon out. we do not have to read a weak Jon, it is different to be raised and fostered by someone like Viserys, he would not have much confidence and would be someone like Dany at the beginning of the books / show.
it would be worse to have to read that the son, that Dany has with his rapist, survive and he has to raise him as a stepfather or that I know, no thank you. If Jon has children, let them be his blood, not that rapist Dohtraki. both will have dragons in the end perhaps by the death of Drogo and Rhaego, which would be fine, although it would be another repetitive resource.
3) If this keeps repeating, let's hope that Jon and Dany do not have to take so long to finally be together (Dany does not fall in love with his rapist) that they become strong leaders and kings. and hopefully there will be no more stupid "amorous" interests such as Jorah, Daario, etc, which in the majority only create unnecessary scenes of forced jealousy.
anja.quickert.9 chapter 5 . 8/29/2018
Guest chapter 5 . 8/29/2018
So happy you’re back!
Sighned-Anonymous chapter 4 . 7/7/2018
This story is super interesting! Just wanted to let you know though, that it should most certainly be under the M rating category. FF takes this seriously and you wouldn’t want your story to be deleted.
EmpireReign chapter 4 . 5/26/2018
really awesome story can't wait for more
CecyBlack chapter 4 . 3/29/2018
Awww. I loved it.
Next chapter soon, please.
Guest chapter 4 . 3/23/2018
Yay! About time!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/22/2018
I haven’t read this so it’s not really a review but going by the summary if viserys is even remotely close to how he is in canon he will try to kill Jon of this attempt doesn’t happen you’re going to lose a lot of your readers due to a lack of believability.
azphxbrd chapter 4 . 3/17/2018
I like Daenery's idea of the of the Dothraki screamers supporting Jon instead of Visery.
The Hope Lions chapter 4 . 3/17/2018
Interesting. I'd love to see more.
Sonja chapter 1 . 12/11/2017
You weren't kidding when you said don't hold your breath over an update. It's been so long. I wished you continued. This story is one of those hidden gems in FFN. Please continue. Don't give up.
Sonja chapter 2 . 12/11/2017
You weren't kidding when you said don't hold your breath over an update. It's been so long. I wished you continued. This story is one of those hidden gems in FFN
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