Reviews for It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn
Guest chapter 23 . 2/21/2018
It wounds me deeply that I shall never know the ending to this. And to think Ali and Arthur never met once. Why do I hurt myself by reading abandoned FanFics! Woe is I!
Guest chapter 22 . 3/3/2015
Well this will probably be the last comment I leave unless you pick this back up but it really is my favorite fan fiction of any fiction that I have ever read. I love everything about this piece and am still DYING to read more but I would like you to know you are a wonderful writer. I hope one day you will finish this piece.
Guest chapter 23 . 2/22/2015
Hello it's me again I very much still love this fanfiction and I hope u haven't forgotten about it I know u said u were busy but if u have a chance please update again. I really would love to keep reading
Guest chapter 23 . 10/14/2014
Thank you SOOOOOOO much! This was awesome and I am glad that you were not upset by my comments. I know that with school it may be awhile in between updates. However I'm just happy to know you will continue the story. Keep up the good work and good luck in school. And as always can't wait till the next update. ;-)
Guest chapter 1 . 10/13/2014
Please update this us my absolute favorite fanfiction of all time for any series and I am dying for more. To be honest I check to see if it's gotten updated almost every night since I found the piece in the first place and it really is a great piece. So although I know your probably annoyed by me saying this all the time but please update. I just would hate for this story to just die out...
Guest chapter 22 . 10/8/2014
Really appreciated this piece it had a great deal of depth and hard work put into it. I loved how you put your mark on the story and I eagerly await for more. I think this story deserves far more favorites and follows than it has and although I don't own a fanfiction account I am tempted to make one just so I can favorite and follow this myself. So please update and don't just put this story away or on hold. It truly is a great read.
Guest chapter 22 . 10/5/2014
I absolutely loved this piece keep it up. I can't wait for the next part!
Guest chapter 21 . 9/21/2014
Please update *puppy dog eyes* pwetty pleeeeaaase?
MISS.SUNNYBAUDELAIRE chapter 5 . 8/23/2014
Merlin made a room for Arthur to match the one in the castle! That's so sweet and now I want to cry! Dx I'm excited to know how this is all going to work, with them going back in time and all.
Eleanor (or Alinore -spell check? -) definitely reacted differently towards Merlin than most people have, which is a good thing! :D I like how independent she is. She doesn't seem like one who let herself feel helpless. :) The whole Alienore (I'm on my phone so I can't go back to see how it's spelled) bit was pretty cool too, and it made sense!
It sounds a bit painful for your soul to get split, kind of like if you make a Horcrux. (Not that I would know how it feels. O.o)
I keep thinking about her family, though. What will happen to them?
Well, I'm going to see how this all works out. X)

S. Baudelaire ;)
MISS.SUNNYBAUDELAIRE chapter 4 . 8/16/2014
Excuse me, but what.
That was actually kind of funny though. xD
And omg, Merlin in modern day clothes! I FINALLY GET A FANFICTION ON IT. I've been wanting one forever, but I've been too lazy to search it. xD
I really liked this chapter! I like Eleanor and she sounds like she'd compliment Arthur nicely. Especially with her comment on him being a prat. I was sold after that bit. Also, having her in the debate club was a good idea. It goes hand in hand with political stuff in my head. X)
So sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth but that's what happens when school starts. It pretty much takes over my life, and the only thing I have time to read are my textbooks. :P
But I'm still reading this story, and I am determined to finish! :DD

S. Baudelaire ;)
LightningStarborne chapter 22 . 8/4/2014
I think it would be hilarious if you started the next chapter with 'nothing was fine' or something similar. Because that is just ironic.
MISS.SUNNYBAUDELAIRE chapter 3 . 8/2/2014
OKAY. Here's what I got. Merlin has to bring Eleanor to the Isle of the Blessed so he can take her back in time to meet Arthur, so they can fall in love.
Is that it?
Because this is crazy! I love crazy! :DD It's definitely an idea I haven't read before, but it's also a good one! Poor Gwen, though, I really shipped her and Arthur. But if Arthur still needs his true love, then I'm all up on following how that goes! :)

S. Baudelaire ;)
20000 WPM chapter 11 . 8/1/2014
Ugh! I don't like the terms merlin had to accept. Arthur still dies and he has to live that lonely 1500 years again.
20000 WPM chapter 8 . 8/1/2014
I hope that they are able to Change the fates of some of these people for the better. Are you going to give Merlin a soul mate too. He is always taking care of everyone else I would love to see someone take care of him.
20000 WPM chapter 6 . 8/1/2014
Wow. If that doesn't show you what a curse it would be to live forever while all your friends die, I don't know what would. Poor Merlin. So incredibly alone.
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