Reviews for The Remnants Of Us
pikachuninja chapter 19 . 6/24
Amazing fic that I binge read over the course of 2 days. The author has such a talent for writing. They painted the picture of such a dreary post-apocalyptic world, wrote fantastic personalities for the characters that each had so much depth, and had very engaging action scenes that kept me on the edge of my seat. If the beginning is too depressing for you, I suggest you keep reading because it does tone down a bit. This story is about Ruby becoming more human and it’s done in such a natural way. You almost feel like you’re growing with her. I can’t fully express how much I love this story. Definitely in my top 5 WR fics. Thank you for writing this author. Hope you’re doing ok and staying safe. I hope that you’ll someday come back to writing. You have a true gift. If you never do, I’m at least glad the story stopped at a good part. Wishing you the best in all future endeavors!
Violet Chloe Snow chapter 2 . 10/9/2019
Oh it took me a while to realize what was happening at the end there. Ruby acting like her old self because she read the diary entry.
potstickers4lyfe chapter 19 . 8/23/2019
:0 what a cliffhanger. Is Sun really gonna be out to kill them? I mean, it is pretty logical since looking at the outcome, the only casualty was Neptune (and the other douchebags but no one cares about them) while the others got out light, so I could see him just killing off everyone? Everyone did change over the decade, so I won’t be surprised with Sun being more vicious like Ruby did. I’m assuming since when Sun was calculating his actions or sth, he only included Ren Juane and Pyrrha but not Ruby and Weiss, so I’m hypothesising an internal struggle once realising that Ruby was the one who killed (I’m assuming here) Neptune, since he was closer to team RWBY than JNPR.
Strudol chapter 19 . 1/31/2018
This story is really good! Im engrossed in the world you’ve designed and the characters are realistic. Can’t find any real criticisms other than there’s a few repeated misspellings here and there.

Any chance of you ever continuing this? I know life often gets in way of writing. I would know better than most haha!
Lazy Disappointment chapter 1 . 8/17/2017
Can you please update this story?
Darkfire Galaxy chapter 1 . 7/31/2017
I just found this story and I instantly know what I'll be binge-reading over the next few days. I very rarely read crossovers but this is off to a brilliant start.
darklight66 chapter 19 . 5/7/2017
very good story i hope one day you decide to come back cant wait to see the next chapter.
Lazy Disappointment chapter 1 . 4/25/2017
Jhawkins253 chapter 19 . 1/15/2017
I know its been a long time since this chapter has been out but this is such a great fic and you have done so well. I hope sometime soon you will continue with it. Fingers crossed
BlakJakXXI chapter 19 . 5/25/2016
So I managed to catch up with this story recently, and I'll say that I enjoyed it more than I expected. It was quite interesting and unfortunate to see how Remnant ended up in the state it is in now, and what happened to many of the characters.

I was pleasantly surprised with how you handled Ruby here, where the loss of Blake and Yang practically broke her, and make her become so pessimistic and remorseless when it comes to killing, to the point she was driving Weiss away. Her development of lightening up and becoming more like her old self has been well done, with her time with Mercury helped her reflect on what she's become, how badly she's messed things up with Weiss, and wanting to get better again. It also led to pretty entertaining interactions and a well developed friendship between the three of them.

I was pretty sad to see Mercury leave, and even that small part about Emerald, and also referring her to Mrs. Black, was saddening as well. It seemed like he wanted Ruby to patch things up with Weiss while she still has her so she doesn't end up alone like himself, which is both touching and saddening. I would hope he'll at least be alright wherever he may go.

I know it's been a year since the last chapter (I'm glad this at least stopped at a point where their relations seem much better, as opposed to somewhere too up in the air), but I do hope you continue it soon. I would look forward to seeing more of this story, what Sun seems to be doing, and where Ruby and Weiss go from here.
Cymki chapter 19 . 12/10/2015
Holy shit, this story is amazing. I don't understand why this has so little follows, likes and reviews. Because holy hell this is just goddamn fantastic.
Outlaw Team chapter 19 . 10/20/2015
Just... How do I say this? I binge read this. I'm tired. I couldn't stop. The detail and emotion kept me hooked for all the days it took me to read this. I've hardly seen anything written with the capability of putting this big of a hole in my heart then filling it back up again. I'm sorry I didn't review of previous chapters, as I was too busy doing my best to read and read and read. I was attracted by how the story was marked with Ruby and Weiss together, and for the whole story I constantly asked myself when I was going to see it. Then I saw it, and I was really, really happy. After seeing so many White Rose writers quit, I gave up hope for a while. I saw your story in one of my favorite writer's favorite boxes, and I read it, never stopping unless I had homework. You gave me hope with how darn good your writing is, and now I feel like a suck-up... Sorry, don't mean to come out like that. Just...keep going. Never stop. Not even after this story. Write for stubborn people like me who don't want to see their ship sink.
InductionMagnet chapter 10 . 7/16/2015
Okay, I can't fucking take this anymore. I planned to congratulate you on the final updated chapter, but this chapter doesn't do it justice. I'm seriously having the feels hearing Ruby's motivation. Now I know it's too late for it, but good job. Let's get this straight. Zombieverses aren't exactly my thing, and I would gladly trade this for a truckload of worthless, senseless fluff. I do, however feel that a change of pace would be nice for a while. Obviously nothing as extreme as, say, Blood Rose, but at least a fic that broadens my horizons. I stumbled upon this by chance, and I can say I'm grateful.

It's really sad, seeing Ruby so broken. She is my most favourite character, hell I watch RWBY because of her. Miffed when he gets as much screentime as the next unnamed character (A mistake RT needs to seriously rectify) searching teh interwebz seems a logical course of action. But enough of that. What I'm saying is, I think you handled the shift in character quite well. Heartbreaking, really, when the innocent get corrupted. Weiss was no different, acting as well as you'd expect from an heiress. In short, a truly tragic fic worthy of recognition.

As for feedback, well... spelling errors are present, but not too glaring. Pacing was nice, and I think the Bumblebee chapter was needed. I really, really hope there is a happy ending. I don't fucking care if it's a Deus Ex Time Machina (using a time machine), just please make Ruby and Weiss happy again. Let the Whiterose bloom dammit. Oh and please update soon. Thank you for taking time to read this.
Bridge Over The Creek chapter 19 . 5/26/2015
I sure as hell took my time with finally reading this chapter. Kinda sad I did. This was honestly the most casual and relaxing chapter yet, up until the end, at least.

I loved it! Between Ruby and Weiss setting sail, Ruby beginning to finally mend all those wounds she's gathered over the years and the character development/dynamics between our two heroins, this was amazing. Can't wait for more, looking forward to it!
Reconnaissance chapter 19 . 5/17/2015
I'm absolutely loving this story so far. I'm usually not a big fan of crossovers or changed personalities, but you nailed it in this story. I love how Ruby became cold and harsh after Yang died. and now that shes becoming a bit more like herself, I'm growing to love her more and more.
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