Reviews for Came Out of the Darkness
Guest chapter 9 . 7/25
Did he learn nothing the first time around? can't fight a troll. dosen't know first year potion questions? why is he A complete idiot?
abbidabbers chapter 61 . 7/22
I’m so in love with this story it’s one of my favorites in a long time. I wish and hope that your muse comes back to you one day because this story deserves an ending, though if it doesn’t, thank you for sharing what you’ve written and reposting it because even uncompleted, I’m so happy that I found this story! All the best, abbidabbers
Terry Kay chapter 13 . 7/2
I've just counted, and have found there are at least 8 stories by different authors with clothing having growth charms, so don't sweat it. Awesome story by the way.
rdbran chapter 61 . 6/28
This is my favorite!
Guest chapter 61 . 6/10
Guest chapter 61 . 6/9
hpobsessed chapter 2 . 6/6
Re-reading for the umpteenth time. And loving it always.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/1
How long is this going to go on? I have already lost interest in the manipulations. I don’t really want to read more of snape a headaches or canon happening almost exactly the same. It’s either a pointless waste of time or just aggravating that a premier spy and potion master would be so retarded.
MiraculousLucia chapter 61 . 6/1
I just realised this was last updated 6 years ago and now I'm really mad at how invested I got in it please update I need this
Arjayess chapter 61 . 5/31
Would love for this to be finished after all this time.
Dragoness2525 chapter 61 . 5/24
I realize it's been years since you updated, and I completely understand about your muse deserting you, but I hold out hope that you will some day return to this most excellent effort.
Dragoness2525 chapter 55 . 5/24
I love the fact you have a house elf named Zelly. That's my sister's name!
Dragoness2525 chapter 26 . 5/23
In an amazing coincidence, I am reading your story during the COVID-19 pandemic isolation. Seems you had a bit of prophecy of your own. Enjoying the story so far, and looking forward to the rest.
Mister Cuddlesworth chapter 61 . 5/15
I gotta say, I enjoyed the hell out of this. I know it's unlikely after nearly six years, but if you should ever begin writing it again, I would be most glad.
Guest chapter 61 . 5/15
Hahah this is so good! Will you return? I'd love to see them playing around with umbridge chasing them! And failing... hahaha
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