Reviews for Mermaid
huiarulz chapter 9 . 11/29/2019
I love this story but yeah Ali's not that twisted and with the poor me complex ugh get over it girl every girl was a bitch as a teenager doesn't mean we spend the rest of our lives sulking about it.
Seeingstrz chapter 1 . 10/12/2019
One of my all time favorite emison stories!
LauratheChef chapter 11 . 5/20/2019
great story :) loved it very much
huiarulz chapter 11 . 3/20/2019
This totally needs a sequel with kids lol too cute.
giselle chapter 10 . 7/23/2018
I was really annoyed by Spencer in this chapter. Like seriously what the hell? How dare she
Francesca79 chapter 11 . 12/5/2017
Really well done! I've just finished to read all the 11 chapters and I did fell the need to say "My most sincere compliments" for your brilliant writing...very deep and emotional. :-)
Perfectionemison chapter 11 . 10/18/2017
You seriously have an amazing talent this book is uggghh amazing ️
SuperiorJenlisa chapter 5 . 10/8/2017
When Alison said she came back from the dead, I got a little tingly...
ngautam9622 chapter 11 . 9/17/2017
It's been a beautiful journey, reading Emison's love story.. I wish it never ended!
You seem an ardent fan of them! You wrote it beautifully, the selection of words really helped in imagining or should I say seeing it live in my head!
Thank you so much for bringing a wide smile on PLL's new but die-hard fan! Really loved your work! Xoxo
-kisses, nAmrata!
EmisonEzriaSpobyLove chapter 11 . 8/13/2017
Finally created an account. And I just have to tell you this is one of the best Emison fanfictions ive read! Thank you so much for creating that story its so beautiful 3
sashaysion chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
Guest chapter 11 . 6/10/2017
Do you know that Lisa from PLL, READ ALL YOUR "MERMAID FANFICS!"
MysticalObscurity chapter 11 . 5/7/2017
I've just come across this and it seriously helped me deal with all this slow-burn Emison on the show right now...this was so beautifully written and I really loved your portrayal of the characters. Kira was so much fun! Thank you for this wonderful piece, it has touched me and made me cry a lot (their wedding in Paris? Take notes, Marlene) and I know that I'll come back to this story again. Seriously, thank you so much.
Shalwol5 chapter 11 . 3/14/2017
You know I truly and honestly love the hell out of you fo this, I actually cried while reading this beautiful story, something I thought I'd NEVER do over a fanfic as a 24 year old woman but I did and I love you for it, it's wonderfully written and so grammatically perfect that at one point I thought it's an actual book, I hate teenage fanfictions they make me cringe to the core, but this! I truly have no words
Guest chapter 1 . 9/13/2016
You should seriously publish this.! I am not even kidding.! This story is so good and so funny and so full of love and just it'd be an amazing book.
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