Reviews for Shoulda Coulda Woulda
DemiCas chapter 1 . 6/15/2018
All the more poignant considering what happens when Dean does tell him.

And those last couple lines? Some of your best; makes one reconsider Dean's entire line of reasoning. Anyone for an unreliable (or at least self-deluded) narrator?
LunaBianca chapter 1 . 7/10/2015
This is brilliant. The rationale and bargaining Dean has going on...I feel for both brothers. Thanks for these missing scenes, Hanna; they really enhance the story and relationships I'm addicted to. ;)
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
That was Totally Reasonable answer that I'm so can see that going in Dean's mind !

You're Awesome, Ms. K !
NoilyPrat chapter 1 . 11/21/2014
I Likey. :-)
JuseaPeterson chapter 1 . 9/18/2014
This was really good. I loved how you dove into Dean’s reasoning behind killing Amy and then keeping it a secret from Sam. The way you added the quotes and then went off of those was really good. And even though I didn’t want him to kill Amy I did understand his comment about her killing again if she needed to but reading this completely clicked everything into place. And I loved the whole color thing at the end.
LittleLurker chapter 1 . 9/4/2014
I'm just enjoying your four latest stories (didn't take my laptop with me on vacation) and I so loved Dean's take on what "color" he was and would always be. An unusual finish, but nonetheless so very telling! Thanks once again.
pandora jazz chapter 1 . 8/30/2014
I like how you wrote Dean's thoughts and why he didn't tell Sam about Amy.
I always believed that Dean was trying to protect Sam because he was worried about the wall.
It was nice that Sam wanted to make sure Dean's leg was healing right.
You did a great job filling in the missing scene and thoughts from this episode.
Until next time, take care.
cece away chapter 1 . 8/28/2014
incredible ending line. i also adore the part about Lucifer not being able to get the eyes right because he can't create anything good. thought provoking.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/21/2014
Ahhhhh, I've been rewatching the show as I'm getting my brother into it and we're passing this section of the series. It's been wonderful to then go through your most recent fics because you always write the spaces between the episodes so well and really help to flesh out how they've recovered from their latest escapade and how Sam's dealing with hallucinations and why Dean decides to keep things secret. It's wonderful.
Nana56 chapter 1 . 8/20/2014
Secrets have never worked out well for these guys. :( I didn't care for this episode, but like the way you handled it. Nice to be inside their brains from time to time. :D chapter 1 . 8/15/2014
Great fic as usual and you really got inside Dean's head as to why he killed Amy. And you also showed how broken Sam was at that time and that factored in Dean's decision to keep it a secret. Perfect ending - Dean looked himself in the eye in the mirror as he brushed his teeth. Yeah, he'd had sucky choices, but he'd chosen right. Sam probably wouldn't see it that way—okay, Sam definitely wouldn't see it that way—but then, Sam always saw gray where Dean saw black or white. Monsters: black. Family: white. And Dean himself... Dean spit into the sink, wiped his mouth, and gathered his stuff, leaving the room without a backward glance. He was and always would be the line in between.

Whatever color that was.
ackeberlynn chapter 1 . 8/12/2014
Perfect ending.
Madebyme chapter 1 . 8/12/2014
As always with your writing, this was a thoughtful and insightful tag to the episode.

I always enjoy it when authors like yourself add some introspection and further understanding to difficult episodes and scenes. It really helps to get into Dean's head space here, to really see why he made such a difficult decision and I really appreciated it.

Plus it's always a treat to see the boys taking care of each other - I treasure these scenes because we very rarely see them on the show.

A pleasure to read. Thanks you for writing and sharing. Take care, :)
Ilia A. Jay chapter 1 . 8/12/2014
Love it, as always! I appreciate these season 7 tags so much - I felt the show skipped really quickly over Sam being almost broken to almost normal too quickly and I love your version of the in-between moments. I felt there was so much potential that was missed in the first half of season seven, and these fics are just filling in that glaring gap so well.

Also, I really like introspective Dean here; there was much more to his choice to kill Amy than just what was shown in the episode and your writing of his perspective falls completely in character for him - I love your line 'He was and always would be the line in between'. That succinctly describes Dean to a T - it's just such an incredible description in his character.

Thank you, I so very much appreciate the time and skill you put into these fics!
Frakking Toasters chapter 1 . 8/11/2014
I will never forgive Dean for killing Amy. And I'll never forgive the writers for having Sam be talked around to saying sorry and agreeing with Dean when he eventually found out about it. Total BS! What a slippery slope Dean puts himself on making Sam's decisions for him, and appointing himself their moral and ethical compass. Frightening! And where do we end up? Gadreel and Crowley possessing Sam against his will and a Demon Dean. That's some Righteous Man!

Sorry, Amy will forever be a touchy subject that leads me elsewhere! But I truly loved this piece of writing. Wonderful as always! xo
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