Reviews for Harry Potter, Son of the Shadows
Lyz135 chapter 18 . 7/16
Is there going to be a sequel? I’d really like to be able to read what happens next!
TeeRead chapter 18 . 7/14
author, when the sequel gonna be out?
FaeGhostReader chapter 4 . 7/9
Maybe try accio?
ThirdCabinBoy chapter 2 . 7/1
Reading this chapter, makes me think that you've reduced Harry into the people in this clip. It's pathetic..

bigwoof chapter 18 . 6/9
Excellent story! Eagerly waiting for the sequel!
Ale74 chapter 18 . 6/5
what's next?
please i want to know how finish it.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/2
Just gotta say that because noth parents are gods he isnt a demigod but a god but ok boomer
drucifer000 chapter 3 . 5/28
Harry's personality in this is pretty abrasive. Like he's so arrogant that he's downright unlikeable.
Lucifer-Sterling chapter 18 . 5/25
please update, I'd love to read more
Tomlongadingdong chapter 18 . 5/13
Will there be a continuation of this fanfiction? I hope so!
iamafluffyklawd chapter 18 . 5/13
is there a sequel for this? I really like the story. They'll be taking hogwarts by storm
Xray75 chapter 7 . 5/2
Wait, just to be clear: Hecate is not his mother, right? Still hasn’t been established
camp1500 chapter 18 . 4/27
Is there going to be a part 2 to this?
VerdTal1 chapter 18 . 4/19
Will there be a sequel?
marcinkrycki2314 chapter 2 . 3/29
I really want to see a scene of harry using one thousand years of death on ares with zeus firebolt
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