Reviews for Reduced Mass
yahska chapter 3 . 7/25
I don't get why MassEffect Self insert MCs has the idiotic idea of joining Shepards crew. Most of the time they have no combat training and lacks any other significant skills too. And they don't take into account the consequence of altering events that may cause the future to be worse. Why not just go to a colony that don't get attacked by the reapers or slavers and enjoy the future and let shepard take care of genocidal robo-squids, that's what I would do.
1 love m4gic chapter 2 . 5/15
Why the heck is he using the Imperial system?! He is from Germany and Canada, and neither of them use pounds or feet... i was just happy when at first meters were used and got to know where he is from so i would not need to convert all the time...

Still, thanks for the chapter!
legosx99 chapter 6 . 1/31
nitewolf423 chapter 15 . 1/22
Just in time for the batarians
Lunar Cleric chapter 2 . 1/22
"Only Sith deal in absolutes."

Then why do Light siders hate Grey Jedi?
CaptainSidekick chapter 40 . 11/18/2019
Rest in peace Ming. We will miss you.
DarkChampion chapter 17 . 11/4/2019
Saying he hasn't met anyone more fucked up then him. Lol he mustache forgotten bout everyone he worked with.
Valor-Derzod chapter 8 . 10/30/2019
My question is why does he keep talking as if he has a conscience? Dude literally hangs someone and thinks to himself “what’s wrong with me?” You’re a fucking sociopath that’s what’s wrong with you. A sociopath that needs to be put down like a rabid dog that’s who.
Jim chapter 41 . 10/19/2019
Great story.
Joy is overrated chapter 17 . 10/18/2019
yep, weak as hell, if ur going to force a disorder do better research and make it come off less as a last minute toss in because you wrote yourself into a corner. the bs gets stronger and stronger in this story.
Joy is overrated chapter 16 . 10/18/2019
this was a weak ending, he just randomly does something he has never done before just so you can add more bs next chapter smh weak.
Joy is overrated chapter 7 . 10/18/2019
yep, he's a bitch, all this fearful shaking but ready to talk shit when he has the upper hand, Grade A bitch in my book.
Joy is overrated chapter 6 . 10/18/2019
so the objective is to turn ur mc into a morally bankrupt asshole? I could be wrong since it's still early, but either way ur mc comes off as a bitch. He's ballsy enough to talk shit but when its time to put up he punks out. In all honesty, ur guy shouldve been dead due to the golden rule. I do enjoy the story, it helps that I'm not actively trying to dissect it like i do other stories, but its decently good so far.
Spiritstrike chapter 40 . 10/17/2019
Wow! Wow! You finally did it! After five years of constant writing and so much going on in life, you finally finished it! And what's this? David gets the Prothean visions and not Shepard? What the heck is going on! What a twist! AAAAAH!

Really sad to see Ming die as well, as it stands... David is the last survivor of the Chalkhos incident... rest in peace, Ming.

On to the sequel and far too soon am I beginning to prepare myself for what's to come, but as it stands, knowing you... you're gonna twist my heart in more than one way! YAAAS!
lisbjerg123 chapter 41 . 10/17/2019
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