Reviews for MoonFire
Musa1992 chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
*freaks out* OK THIS IS AMAZING YES YAY OF COURSE YAY EXCUSE MY RUN ON SENTENCE! CONTINUE THIS PLEASSEEEEE! (And please add Gerita? *puppy dog eyes*) also, I keep finding grammatical errors. Have someone look over your AMAZING AND FABULOUS stories before publishing them, ok? I MEAN I LOVE THIS ALREADY but sometimes the grammatical errors make it difficult to understand. Otherwise, AMAZING JOB. DON'T LOSE ENTHUSIASM ON THIS BC I WANNA READ MORE. *gives you cookies*
Guest chapter 1 . 8/16/2014
Hey, I just read this and I think the concept is great and interesting. However the story isn't clear, it looks like some part are missing so I think you should reread the chapter and rewrite it (and maybe find a beta?). Still I like it so I hope to read more :)