Reviews for High School- Enough Said
Annoyed guest chapter 9 . 8/20/2018
If you are keeping Kouga and Kagome together, I will not read this anymore. Kagome doesn't belong in wolf society. She understands NOTHING about wolf society and I can't believe you have the wolves accepting a human whore like Kagome in their society and a potential mate to Kouga. Ayame is the only one who can be his mate and equal. Kagome is more of a whore than Kikyo due to the fact she goes from one male to another when she doesn't get what she wants from first one she is with.
Billie 11 chapter 6 . 6/18/2017
Off to a good start the story seems to have good characters and plot so keep good work. Writing is great too looking forward to reading more, great job keep the good work and update sooner then later please.
I hate Kagome chapter 5 . 6/15/2017
Kagome is the whole problem in this story. She is the cause of everything and no one sees it! She SHOULDN'T have been with Kouga in the first place! A human and a demon should NEVER be. Kagome is a slut. It is evidenced in your chapters so far. Kouga and Ayame belong together. What is it about the slut Kagome that all males like? Who is the one going to end up hurt in all this? Ayame is. Why does she even support Kouga/Kagome in this story? *sigh* I feel like a broken record. The way Inuyasha is treated because he is a half demon, will happen to any offspring Kouga/Kagome have if she survives...Either break Kagome and Kouga up, or fix your pairings..Cause Ayame is either always the rebound or the one being left while Kouga goes after the Miko b-h. I hate Kagome so much. *sigh* I am only reading this for the pairings - future pairings apparently. If I had remembered Kagome was sexually active with Kouga, I would have stopped after chapter one.
mylilkai chapter 4 . 1/2/2016
I look forward to more chapters. This is great so far
Sassybratt chapter 4 . 7/16/2015
I think this is a cute story so far. Nice and relaxed, not too intense. Hope you think about adding more to this. Just be sure to check your grammar! :)
Sassybratt chapter 3 . 7/16/2015
This chapter was cute. Loved all the humor you threw in there. Looking forward to see what Naraku has in store for our favorite characters.
Sassybratt chapter 2 . 7/16/2015
The storyline so far is interesting. Just a few things to note:

1. Try to make this story different. There are a ton of Inuyasha high school stories floating around on here right now, so see if you can put a twist on it that makes it more unique.
2. Normally, you shouldn't switch between POVs. It can get confusing for the readers and whatnot. I think normal POV works just fine. That way you can express what everyone is thinking or feeling. Just a thought.
3. Have you thought about getting a beta? I just noticed a few minor grammatical mistakes. Just missing commas and such. Nothing major.

In any case, I'm enjoying the story so far, especially the way you introduced it. Not often do you find a high school story that concentrates so heavily on the interaction between demon and human. Usually it's as if there's no discrimination or anything. Great job.
silent princess chapter 3 . 10/14/2014
I love the story definitely have rape write more of the story please I'm dying over here