Reviews for Betrayal
omegazeroinfi chapter 20 . 5/7/2018
theres an awful lot left unresolved. is the seq still a thing?
Guest chapter 8 . 10/9/2017
Please stop with character bashing.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/15/2016
chrom x olivia fanfic automatic 10/10
Guest chapter 7 . 8/20/2015
Yeah... Nah's map absolutely no sense at all.
Sneaselgirl chapter 20 . 6/16/2015
Wow, this story was amazing. I can see the Robin of the future not deciding to leave after everyone started to distrust him, and in his hatred deciding to kill them all. This Robin only managed to not do so since he first knew about the future and killing Chrom, but instead of trying to deal with the additional hate, just up and left. Heck, if everyone didn't think he would kill Chrom anyway and Lucina didn't try to kill him, he might have stayed, but they drove him off. Ironic that by making the hostility WORSE towards him is what saved him, since leaving brought him and Sumia closer, made an alternate future where he had kids with her, and gave him new friends to fight for outside of the Shepherds. If it weren't for his new group of friends, he would have still burned the world and became Grima.

Funny how one choice to abandon his friends decided the fate of the world.

Anyway, I'll be reading the follow-up story after this one. I know it will be good and it seems to go with an idea I had myself about what Robin does after the war.
Sneaselgirl chapter 2 . 6/10/2015
Good story so far. I always thought the other Shepherds would lose trust in Robin after he got possessed, even if the game didn't show it. eager to see how this turns out.
GrandmasterRed chapter 9 . 1/29/2015
oh yeah i forgot that cynthia is sumia's daughter... I keep thinking she's chroms daughter
GrandmasterRed chapter 2 . 1/5/2015
I honestly Prefer Chrom/Sumia and Robin/Lucina but to each their own.
Shun Kuroichii chapter 3 . 12/22/2014
Alex's class was Dread Fighter and Ruby's class was Bride. :D
Guest chapter 1 . 12/20/2014
*snarls*how dare they!robin would never hurt chrom or anyone!
AccountKiller404 chapter 20 . 10/7/2014
Ahh! Its finally complete! I miss this story already... Sniff... I can't wait for the sequel! And Ruby and Alex sound interresting!
miclimp chapter 20 . 10/7/2014
Well, sort of surprising as I expected them finding them in this story, but this gives me a reason to follow the sequel when it gets there.

Good luck with other stories!
Mike AZ 2 chapter 20 . 10/7/2014
No offense, but if its complete, you might want to mark it as 'complete.' Honestly, I was expecting an epilogue chapter, but I don't mind if there's a sequel coming already.

Kind of was disappointed at the ending, though. And the story... Well, it was good, but I have to agree with those anonymous reviewers somewhat that there could've been some Shepherds who don't agree with how Robin was treated just because of his future self's actions besides Chrom and Stahl (not sure Tharja counted): Vaike, Lissa, Owain, Nah, Tiki, Gregor and Nowi for example.

Unless the bond that Robin has with his family and the rest of his group is strong enough to bring him back. Don't get me wrong, I liked your story, I just feel like that more could've been added to it. I was looking forward to seeing Chrom and the other Shepherds' reactions to Robin's sacrifice this time, but will that be included in the sequel? Because this story deserves one in my opinion.

I'll be looking forward to the sequel. Alex and Ruby are interesting OCs, by the way.
Chasticot chapter 20 . 10/6/2014
\o/ We're also looking forward to it!
sonic123456a chapter 19 . 10/6/2014
Dude this story needs a sequel seroiusly fav and liked.
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