Reviews for The Hard Way
Dino-Rogue chapter 1 . 7/12/2019
Ah, life-and-death injuries, team bonding, angst, trust issues, family feels, what else could one want in a story?

Poor Peter, he clearly and so badly does not want to let his team down, not any single one of them, to the point where he does not see and realize, or he cannot simply trust just yet, that none of them are planning to let him down either. It's sad that he found it so hard to trust the others because he doesn't even trust himself not to fail or get them killed. I mean, not like he's had any good example, right? Like he said, no one took care of him or took care of things/situations for him. It's all him, it's always been just him. So it's not like he knows the ropes fully, hense the lack of trust in his own ability to give that care to anyone.
At least before, he only had himself to take care of, so it didn't matter much if he didn't pull through unscathed. But now? This, all of this breaking or going away because of him, scares him more than anything.

Wow, talk about Peter Quill hurting... and I do mean, REALLY HURTING, in a fic.
This exceptional piece just reminded me why Star Lord wishes desperately for his team to respect him as their captain, wants them to treat him as such, from the very beginning to practically the very end in Endgame. After the loss of his mother and now father figure, his team, his family, is all he has. He feels that his entire life, he has had nothing but failure, crime, mistakes, misfortune, you name it. If it's unlucky/painful/bad, he's known it. This ragtag group of friends is all he's got, and he does not want to mess that up and lose them. So he feels that he has to be in control so as to avoid that.

And all of that just makes his journey, especially in light of recent events which shall not be named and talked about any further, and all that he goes through in this awesome, angsty, beautiful, painfully perfect one shot, all the more heartbreaking. Seriously, next year for GOTG Volume 3, this guy absolutely NEEDS a BREAK!

Sorry for the overly long character study there. LOL!
Honestly, you have quenched every single atom of my Guardians feels thirst with this marvelous piece! As you could probably tell from the word vomit above. Haha!

Awesome job, dar author! Keep it up!
kamauno chapter 1 . 12/12/2018
If we're being honest, we never think about Peter. Easy-going, funny, charming, Star-Lord, troublemaker Peter; we never think about him.

When it's about Peter, it's all about the Milano, right? The Milano, his tapes, his mother, his time with the Ravagers. It's about his emotional support objects; not exactly his emotional being.
The thing is: the very thing is that we think how it is hard for every other Guardian; just not him. It's all about how difficult it's to him share his ship, his overprotective actions towards his mother's memories and everything else. But it is not him. It's not about actually there, one-arm-lenght-away Peter Quill, who jumped to be the Guardians leader, who took a fucking Infinity Stone first-handed and without thinking, who saw his mother die and then was kidnaped very young. I mean, emotional state? That thing always tossed to the corner? What, does it have a purpose?

He's a mess. A mess of... Everything. Every little thing that has happened to him and was never talked about, never validated. It's not even a funny mess, lol.
And I think that's why I loved this work so much. It hit too close to home because I, too, have never thought about Peter Quill. I have never stopped to look and understand his mindset. God, that boy is an anxious mess, probably from the very beginning, and here I am chosing not to look even though I am just as anxious as him.
Worth1 chapter 1 . 6/18/2017
i need to say this story is sweet :)
Tris chapter 1 . 4/29/2017
This fic is so great and beautiful

i rly love how you potray Peter :)
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 10/15/2016
RadioGlitch chapter 1 . 6/2/2016
This is such a good fic! I love how you write Peter's voice, and the other characters are just as vivid. Thanks for writing!
BlankBullet chapter 1 . 1/13/2016
Best GOTG fic ever! Hilarious dialogues and a touching story underneath all the sass and wit. Great job, man.
CripticWolf chapter 1 . 6/18/2015
Very nice job.
Hybrid-Cookie376 chapter 1 . 1/28/2015
Loved this. This was the first GOTG fic I've read, and I think you totally nailed their voices. I love the dynamic between them
IndefiniteHeaven chapter 1 . 1/17/2015
I love how supportive the team is to Peter. They may be a gang of criminal like individuals, but its apparent that they care for him. Great fic! :)
OXBastetXO chapter 1 . 1/10/2015
Very nice job. Very believable.
Art Is The Weapon chapter 1 . 12/31/2014
Great work, I like that you didn't have it smooth sailing for the guardians like most other fics I've seen.
LMS chapter 1 . 12/11/2014
One of the best Guardians fics out there! I LOVE the Peter!Whump!
Hope you decide to write more for this awesome fandom
Guest chapter 1 . 11/19/2014
I can't say I liked this because I feel the problem steamed from them not trusting or following peters plan so the original problem was never solved
ArmedWithMyComputer chapter 1 . 11/9/2014
I loved this! Really enjoyed seeing the team dynamic come together :) great job with this, and thanks for posting!
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