Reviews for Can't Crush This Resilient Heart
Dance Elle Dance chapter 1 . 6/27/2015
Amazing story! Great work!
evilregalsworldwide chapter 1 . 2/4/2015
Amazingly well written! Loved it :)
AglaiaWar chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
Love it. Love finally seeing Regina as not the villain. She is just trying to do what's right. And I can't stand Marian so I'm happy to see her in a different light. Loved the storyline. ;)
Addicted1 chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
Wonderful job! This is darker than your usual work, but if I wasn't already a fan of your work, I wouldn't have known you were out of your comfort zone. Experiencing Marian's madness through Regina's memory of her Evil Queen days was really effective, and Marian using Roland as a bartering chip gave me goosebumps.

Very cool use of Mr. Gold too-that was a fun twist and a neat piece of magical backstory-very nice! And I, of course, just love the idea that Regina is so tough that her heart can't be crushed. LOVE that.

I like that you think about details, like how David should pick up Roland, Robin, and Regina because Marian needs the cruiser all to herself with Emma. It keeps me inside your story.

Beautiful ending, and I love the bit of bantering between our OQ couple. And the line about how Regina's glare is still effective-love it.

You had me really worried you were going to kill her-great work!
Sigh. I hope you write Regina forever and ever. It may be time for me to reread the Twice Cursed universe again! ;)
AbandonedAccount40405005 chapter 1 . 9/29/2014
SEQUEL NOW! This was so sweet... the dialogue between Hook and Emma was a bit dated but other than that I loved it.
82935555 chapter 1 . 9/25/2014
Fabulously gripping fic, man. I really felt Marian's madness and oh my goodness do I love that Regina's heart can't be crushed and even Rumple knew that ('cause who else would be the holder of some mysterious magical pendant? lol) when he gave it to Marian. Very very cool.
wickedshenanigans chapter 1 . 8/31/2014
I loved this, you did a fabulous job with that prompt! I actually really enjoyed a spot of DarkMarian, and I think writing her totally gone off the deep end was the right way to go. I don't think a rational Marian in her right mind would ever do anything even remotely like this (as obviously you don't either), but it was great to see the lengths she'd go to once she had lost her sense of reason. I liked the way she spoke in her insanity too, the bizarre logic and justifications, the callousness, and perhaps my favourite, her petulance at not succeeding.
There is something very melancholy about Regina's conversion to daytime drinking. Her reasons as to why it no longer matters were even more so. I got such a great sense of her state of mind just from those couple of little snippets of changed behaviour.
"Someone's come to remind her of what she's lost - not that she actually needs help with remembering." Poor Regina :(
The fact that it was recognising the madness in Marian that made Regina realise how very dangerous the situation is was a really nice touch. It's just such a gloriously tense moment, Regina's confusion turning into apprehension and then actual fear. The way you describe the first flickers of dread was so effective - the fact that Regina feels threatened by Marian at all is noteworthy. Her reaction to Roland's fear, especially in contrast to Marian's lack of one was visceral and eked up the tension all at the same time.
There's something so sad about Regina hearing that she's been Robin's choice from an insanely jealous and murderous Marian rather than him, especially because she doesn't believe it can be true. Her self-loathing really comes through here, and in her thought process once she sees the knife too.
"She has a knife, but she's headed for the Evil Queen's house so we'll let it be." Noo bby we care about you! :(
Again, you do write Marian's madness very convincingly. Her volatile emotions (including disturbingly misplaced happiness - the way she referred to Gold was icky!) and disjointed language, sporadic volume, the way she talks and talks without a single response from Regina. Nicely done indeed. I particularly liked the use of the word 'dreamily'. Super creepy!
"I didn't think you'd give your heart so willingly to anyone who is not my husband" Regina's hurt and shame at this statement is heartbreaking.
"Both my son and my husband love another woman" This was a great line to include, because you can see how much that would hurt. It helps you understand where the madness has stemmed from, and feel sympathy for Marian, if momentary.
"He doesn't need to see what Regina knows is coming next" The fact that she was totally convinced she was going to die, that she essentially gave her life for Roland, while not at all surprising, just makes the whole scene so powerful.
"Everything will be right again once you are dead" Funny how this was the same blinded attitude Regina had regarding her vengeance on Snow.
I love the detail of Emma responding to a call about screaming coming from Regina's house. I know it's just as likely that someone assumed Regina was attacking someone, but my Evil Regal heart likes to think that people aren't as indifferent to her safety as she believes.
"as if it's Emma's fault she's been unable to kill Regina." I don't know why I liked this description so much, but I did! Maybe because it is another great example of how irrational Marian has become.
Enjoyed the tiny little mention of David's concern for Regina :)
"he doesn't know how she didn't and he's crying again at the thought of it."
This was lovely, her blunt statement and genuine confusion, and the terror he still feels at the thought of losing her even now that he knows she's ok.
I got a little rambly here, but I really enjoyed this! You did really well at making quite an out there concept really compelling and dramatic and emotional, but still believable!
Joy Booth chapter 1 . 8/26/2014
awww, I like it, sad that roland got hurt, but there are only a few ways this mess can end, and I want my outlaw queen. Thanks for posting
Cat1030 chapter 1 . 8/24/2014
ALthough I agree it's unlikely actually to occur, I really love this idea and your execution is perfection. So great, seriously :)
thescrambledmuse chapter 1 . 8/23/2014
Another person demonizing the victim . lovely. I hate this fucking fandon
SamanthaFreita3 chapter 1 . 8/23/2014
Loved it!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/23/2014
I don't understand why Gold didn't warn anyone about Marian & her plan go kill Regina and no one seems to be angry about his part in all this
CharlitFlair chapter 1 . 8/22/2014
I loved it! It was amazing!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/22/2014
omg, that was amazing!! fantastic job!