Reviews for Blood moon & Fire
Guest chapter 13 . 12/9/2019
Oh my god this is SO good! Hope you didn't give up on this story and update soon :)
Guest chapter 13 . 12/22/2017
hey um just wondering if you're gonna continue this? cos it's really good
l cabral chapter 13 . 2/1/2017
Are you going to continue? Please do!
sweetestcandyalive chapter 13 . 10/26/2016
please update soooooon ! 3
sweetestcandyalive chapter 13 . 10/9/2016
please updaaaateeee i love this 3
VeryIndecisive chapter 13 . 4/27/2016
I think the only words that caught my eye were, 'pizza and ice-cream without the calories'. My stomach was rumbling and is now rumbling even louder thanks to you. Isn't ice-cream one of the best things ever invented? Okay, back to the point - reviewing this twisted fantasy. Plot twists are amazing things - very difficult to master, and very hard to keep under control. Sometimes, people twist their story around so much, it becomes a heap of incoherent gloop. I reckon you've almost got the hang of it. And that's hard to achieve in my eyes. Why do I keep steering off topic? Right, I'm back on track... back on track.

I love your plot twist with Beca as a phoenix. As you said about her mother, wouldn't she have to vanish as well? I don't understand how they ca be mates - they are from two different species of mythical animals. I certainly have never seen a bird and a wolf mate each other. Maybe tear each other to bits, but never mating. Unless Beca is some sort of hybrid, between a phoenix and a werewolf, it is highly unlikely she was destined to be Jesse's mate. I mean, I didn't mean to be rude... but I was just sharing my thoughts on this. But this is your story, maybe you can provide more background information on how this 'mateship' came to be. Maybe her father was a werewolf. Or Jesse has a bit of phoenix blood in him. But, your story, your rules. Who knows, one day we might have a new mythical creature claw its way into existence. A shaggy-haired mutt with golden feathers and a beak. You never know what is going to happen.

So, I have read the story. And I like it. Some of these thirteen chapters are just a tad confusing, but I am sure that you will eventually come around to it, just as you have in your other completed stories. I know Luke is super hot and all, but I just really want to say to Beca - screw your beak the right way! Never trust an overly pale person - but that basically means not to trust Anna Kendrick. Which is a good thing - I mean a bad thing. Sorry Miss Kendrick. I had to read through this story twice before realising how 'O' Cullenian' is basically derived from 'Cullen'. I think so, at least - I don't know if you thought of the bloodsucker's name before... who was it again? Stephanie Meyers, that's right. I also feel strangely enlightened to know Beca is a phoenix. No pun intended. I look forward to seeing where Donald and Benji fit in this story. Very important creatures. VIC.

Sorry about all that drabble. Now, what I was going to say in the previous paragraph was about Lucius O'Cullenian. Are you team Edward or team Jacob? There I go again, steering away from my subject matter. ANYWAY... would you mind if I gave Luke a message? Well, I am going to include it anyway: Keep your bloodsucking mouth away from Beca (especially down there - gestures towards gentialia - did you see my genius?! Bloodsucking? Virginity..? Blood? Oh well, never mind me then) and Jesse. Although the thought of males engaging in... Sorry, Mister Cull, I'm back on topic now. As I was saying, you better keep away from Beca. Because... Two pale people make a really white baby. This is not a racist comment. I meant 'white' as in 'as white as snow' white. Like, you can put the kid in the middle of the snow, and no-one would notice it was there. Reason number two is that fangs and beaks don't belong to each other. Have you ever see a bird with fangs? Or a bat with a beak? I'm just saying that you two would make a horrendous baby. And Beca's parents would not be very happy. At all. Reason number three... no-one likes a dead phoenix. I mean, if you turn her into a vampire, white phoenixes don't look legendary. They look like someone painted a clump of pigeon feathers white. When it burns, white just doesn't look good on orange and red. You wouldn't be able to see the phoenix. That's sad, for the phoenix and Beca. Because Beca is the phoenix. Reason number four... you don't want to kill Shaggyman. Shaggy man is obviously Beca's lover. Jesse. Shaggy man doesn't appreciate Snowbat stealing Beca away from him. If you take Beca, Shaggyman will try and kill you. Then you will kill Shaggyman. Then Beca will kill you and the rest of the world. Then she will become a nun. Not a nice ending for a pretty albino lady. Reason number five... actually, you know what? I'm ending it. You might live to the end of your vampiric existence before I finish the world's longest list of 'WHY LUKE SHOULD NOT LOVE BECA'.

Alright, I have a feeling you will not appreciate my extremely long review, when half of it is not relevant to your story. At all. So I will endeavour to end it here. Please continue this fantasy. There are not many fantasy/supernatural Jeca stories around, and I have a feeling this would be a big hit if you ever finish it. I don't think you can read to the end of my review, let alone respond to it... Well, good luck with 'Blood, Moon & Fire'. Please call me Cae. Is there a shorter way of addressing you than cuticlecareenetwork?

Yours Sincerely,
LeYoYo chapter 9 . 4/16/2016
For Chapt 13. I feel so dumb now. Blood moon and fire. Blood for vampires (FUCK YOU LUKE), Moon for werewolves (JESSE, HURRY THE FUCK UP AND CONFESS YOUR LOVE) and fire for phoenixes (YOU ARE SO FUCKING GULLIBLE BECA). Please continue, or meh Aussie Kraken get unleashed on you. (Not as powerful as Amy's but still...)
laughterofguns chapter 13 . 4/12/2016
OH MY GOSH A PHOENIX. All along I was trying to understand what she was and I was so confused. But now it makes so much sense! Gosh. You're incredible at what you do. The beginning/fight/chase seen was actually scary. I was kept at the edge of my metaphorical seat, feeling so nervous for them. But holyshit I just can't get over the phoenix. It's freaking genius.
StoicMuch chapter 13 . 4/11/2016
Way cool!
MagsSky chapter 13 . 4/11/2016
Oh my god I love this story! It's soooooo good!, I hope you update soon! :D
AnoMolly chapter 13 . 4/11/2016
Oh, Nora. This was phenomenal. Seriously. There was no part of this chapter that I wasn't in love with! You wrote the tension and fear beautifully and I love that you gave Jesse's sense of smell a visual aspect. This was gritty and dark and so perfect. I was sure that Beca was part Fae! Boy was I wrong! I can't wait to see what happens next! How will the vampire bite affect Beca? How will Jesse and Beca's relationship change over learning her heritage? What other powers will Beca exhibit? Eek! I need more!
yuRaed chapter 13 . 4/11/2016
Suka sangat chapter ni! Rasa macam ada dalam cerita! Lagi! Lagi!
SunDanceQT chapter 13 . 4/11/2016
Beca Effin Mitchel, girl on fire (if you will). And Jesse holding her, and her healing him, and her mother, and eep! I have nothing constructive to say... Good job!
LeYoYo chapter 10 . 4/10/2016
This is for chapter 13. I feel so dumb now. Blood moon and fire. Blood for vampires (FUCK YOU LUKE), Moon for werewolves (JESSE, HURRY THE FUCK UP AND CONFESS YOUR LOVE) and fire for phoenixes (YOU ARE SO FUCKING GULLIBLE BECA). Please continue.
LiquidE3 chapter 13 . 4/10/2016
aaaaaaaaaahhh so awsome!
jesse is like so, so cute! I love it because, I know there's a lot of story we don't know about, how much power does beca have, and what can she do, and the love story of course, Can't wait for it to move to the next level, so Jesse, Tell her how you feel :D

Love your writing!
Please update soon :)
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