Reviews for Hot Mess Hawke
Guest chapter 4 . 8/6/2019
Right then. I would like to say that your writing here is incredible. I’m a straight guy but I’ll be perfectly honest and say that the seduction and the smut involving Sebastian actually had me questioning my sexuality for a minute there.
Seriously. This fanfiction is written so well that I thought I might be bisexual because of how much I was turned on by the Seb on Hawke action. Keep up the good work!
Lynxrider chapter 4 . 1/10/2016
First of all, I'm going to start by saying you deserve way more attention for this. Really, peeps should be banging down your door with fanmail. Smut aside the SEDUCTION was fantastical and hysterical. And then the smut NOT asidebecause really, how could anyone aside THAT- It was masterful. You manage to pack all the emotional and logical struggle in every moment without breaking the concentrated heat your characters-and readers- experience. REALLY glad I didnt try to read this in pupblic haha. I have attempted smut in the past, but this is inspirational and you are my hero. I do hope you are concentrating some of that exquisite talent on some origional characters. That I would love to see. Thank you for sharing.
Aurora Felle chapter 4 . 9/15/2015
Okay, wow. Look at what Seb's been hiding!
A wonderful story overall, LONG of course, but perfect anyway, and not just the smut parts (I mean by the Maker they were HOT) but the relationships as well and how it ended, with the tension finally gone, and Hawke admitting his feelings and everything, it was so lovely I nearly cried :'( Anyway congratulations and bravo and follows, favorites and kudos for you!
Red chapter 4 . 7/16/2015
Okay, the ending was bad. Sebastian needs to get back to his wows sooner, and possibly punish Hawke for making him break them.

Otherwise HOT
remy2560 chapter 4 . 5/4/2015
I LOVED this! The length was perfect for this kind of story, you're a great author!
Kleineganz chapter 4 . 3/24/2015
I'll admit I'm not usually a fan of Hawk with anyone other than Anders, Fenris, (or both *blush*), but damn that was good. Very well written.
o0-TheMilkyBarKid-0o chapter 2 . 3/4/2015
FINALLY getting around to reading this and I'm only up to chapter 2! Jeeze...

There is... something about your writing. I don't really now how to put it into words and I have read most of your work (except chapter 3 and 4 of this) and it IS present in all of them... so hard to put my finger on.

I have read a lot and I mean A LOT of smutty fanfition and I'm afraid that yours has simply ruined it all for me. From now on, fanfiction with smut is just going to seem like going through the motions, getting from point A to point B, orgasm and then it's over but YOUR fics aren't like that! There's so much more to everything; the characters, the nuances, every sentence is cultivated and has purpose! Do you have any idea how difficult that is?!

What I'm trying to say is; your writing is so intense. And it hits deep, much deeper than most fanfics I've read and written because it comes from somewhere... carnal? I guess? The want is WANT and the sex is SEX and the pleasure is HUGE and powerful and the emotions are all there, laid bare and it's kind of hard to read at the same time because there's just so much!

I could sit here examining this for hours. It will probably be a while before I manage to read chap 3 and 4 because I like to take my time and be alone with them (heh), but when I read them I'll comment again, I can't wait!
Kate chapter 4 . 2/22/2015
This was seriously some of the best reading I've come across in awhile. Hot damn. Loved it. Seriously. You have a way with words... this was some fantastic shit. Wow.

I hope you are continuing to write like this. Simply amazing!
bellabri287 chapter 4 . 2/12/2015
God I love choir boy breaking vows! Awesome!
White Lily of Wutai chapter 4 . 1/14/2015
Ummm... well. Wow. That was an adventure. An amazing, smut-filled adventure. Okay.
You did an amazing job writing this. A lot of writings I see with really long smut scenes (which haven't been near as long as this one, hot damn) kinda stutter in parts and aren't completely smooth but this one was... You did really really well. And this did fairly well on the BDSM side. P accurate. It's been a long time since I've read something that's BDSM and not abuse. Thanks for that.
Anyway, great job. Amazing story. I'm going to go find something for this nosebleed now.
ElyssaCousland chapter 4 . 12/29/2014
Just thought I'd tell you again how hot this is. I don't even remember how I got here but reading this at work was a seriously bad idea. Can someone actually die from being too frustrated?

Speaking of which, when is that competition happening, anyway?
BrigitteVivienne chapter 4 . 11/3/2014
Let me preface this by stating that I am typically a het flavored lover of fanfiction, but I was in the prowl for something filthy featuring Sebastian and boy oh boy, did you ever deliver! Delicious read! Brava!
Crotalus24 chapter 3 . 11/2/2014
Okay. So first off, I’m just gonna say that this story is hot. Some lemons are usually done in a few paragraphs or pages, but you managed to do one in over thirty pages. Not only that, but it’s great, beginning to end. It flows well, it doesn’t feel drawn out at all, and the descriptions are awesome!

I got so wrapped up in the story part and *ahem* Hawke and Sebastian’s interactions, that I had to go back and reread it. I think that’s what makes this story so great is all the images and detail.

I love Fell. He’s more and more entertaining with each chapter. And his sarcasm and cunning is really fun, especially when Sebastian finally cracks down on him. And the choice to go with Sebastian to be the one to make Hawke come undone was really good. I like seeing the Chantry Boy turn to the dark side, so to speak. That whole scene was just superb, especially the part where Sebastian calls in Vice. Great job! I can't wait to see how this ends.
LittleLotte17 chapter 4 . 10/27/2014
After you left me such lovely reviews, I felt I should return the favor. And I am so glad I did! I love your writing style, your descriptions are wonderful. I am not so much a Sebastian fan(nobody shoot me! .) but I love the relationship you set up between Fell and Isabela. You also made me rather curious about the Fenris/Anders debacle that apparently took place before this...(please maybe thank you?) Keep fighting the good fight and writing the good writes! :)
Ellyrium chapter 4 . 10/26/2014
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! ;u;

I shouldn't be here, but holy fucking shit (I'm going to say that a lot) this was so fucking hot holy hell. You're amazing. I remember when I first saw Sebastian and was SO darn disappointed when he was like THE ONE GUY WHO WAS NOT BISEXUAL IN DRAGON AGE II. Bioware is a cruel beast.

But you girl. You made me so happy with this fic. I loved the fucking humor with Isabella, the snarky Hawke, BASICALLY EVERYTHING HOLY FUCKING SHIT!

And the sex was nice, too. Yeah.

((I'm not going to favorite this story because y'know, I'd be embarrassed for it to be on my profile but like...I'll BOOKMARK IT!))
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