Reviews for Borrowed Time
The White Leopard chapter 6 . 12/28/2017
So many feels. All the feels. Dear lord, I loved this fic. In one word: brilliant. I love the idea of 8 and Rose. One of my favorite could-have-beens. You pull it off splendidly, and it's set just so. It would fit in with cannon quite seamlessly. Also, 8 was dead sexy. ;) Anyway. Thank you for writing and sharing this with us.
NabikiB chapter 6 . 5/7/2017
Eighth and Eleventh are always a better match for Rose than Tenth was. Ninth tried to design a self for her and of course that means several things went wrong. Ninth had a good blend of empathy with testosterone and the scariest thing is that he was very likely the very first 'responsible' adult male she'd ever met. Gotta keep in mind that as a Council Estates child, Rose was effectively living in the poor quarters. Inner city kids get hardened pretty young, Jackie had a parade of men through the apartment and who is to say how many took a pass at her daughter? Poor quarters means criminals a lot of the time...there's more immoral and amoral crooks per capita in poor areas than anywhere else. She would have been exposed to lots of them while very, very young. The Ninth actually made an effort to actively teach her good morals, probably for the first time since his elder form, 11th, did so while being her geography teacher. Cuz I can't see him teaching math and not touching the way she thought. Since he stuck around long enough to get her grades up, he had to have noticed the criminal population near her and it would have worried him while at the same time making him understand why Rose was so tough. Now, there's a difference between amoral and immoral, which I will provide below.


lacking a moral sense; unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something:
"an amoral attitude to sex"
synonyms: unprincipled · without standards · without morals · without scruples · unscrupulous · Machiavellian · unethical


not conforming to accepted standards of morality:
"an immoral and unwinnable war"
synonyms: unethical · bad · morally wrong · wrongful · wicked · evil · foul · unprincipled · unscrupulous · dishonorable · dishonest · unconscionable · iniquitous · disreputable · corrupt · depraved
Fleur24 chapter 6 . 9/11/2015
I've grown to adore Eight/Rose almost as much as I adore Ten/Rose. I love how you had her run into Eight's TARDIS instead of Ten's and how he helped her find Ten. They have such a lovely chemistry together.
Good Omens chapter 6 . 6/1/2015
Imagine this being an underlying reason for Nine not wanting to stick around in Pete's World the first time, though. Imagine a part of him remembering Rose and how she'd gotten separate and the part about the Zeppelins.
Also, you have now gotten me hooked on Eight/Rose. Damn it. Basically I just want her with all the Doctors. Helping them all. Making them all smile.
Izzy DeAngelo chapter 6 . 11/24/2014
please continue this. please oh please. -looks at you with pussy in boots eyes and pouts slightly- please
The Dreamer chapter 6 . 11/14/2014
The Dreamer chapter 6 . 11/12/2014
I feel like laughing, and crying all at the se time!
wishbones chapter 6 . 11/11/2014
Lovely story!
Sad to see it end, I just love 8Rose together. Sigh.
Dreamcatcher56 chapter 6 . 11/11/2014
the end was bitter sweet but was glad that I took the journey with you and this fantastic story.
The Dreamer chapter 5 . 10/16/2014
So they finally did it, so… what happens now?
wishbones chapter 5 . 10/16/2014
Uh, when I get my powers of speech back after reading that... I might tell you how fantastic that was.
NabikiB chapter 5 . 10/15/2014
*pats on head*

Just watch where you put the cut offs from now on and I won't start gathering firewood and put the fifty gallon iron kettle on to boil...
NabikiB chapter 4 . 9/28/2014
I'm seriously thinking about killing you for stopping in this particular place. I'm also considering asking how many readers are willing to put up some real cash in order to have you shipped in a wooden box, naked, to Hawaii and dropping into a live volcano as a comment.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/24/2014
WOW...that was pure excitement!
The Dreamer chapter 4 . 9/24/2014
This is getting so intense, I love it!
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